My "audiophile" LM3886 approach

Re: Completed "Mauros"

bearddavid said:
Hi all,

Russ, depending somewhat on the definition of complete you can probably make that "at least 9"

Well. i have built 2 X Rev A (one modded for Rev C) - now retired due to the speaker protection that i am adding. i have finished my REV C today and will test in the morning. and the next one will be built by the weekend.. so four from myside.
Rev. A to Rev. C Mods

Do you have a marked up schematic showing what additions you made to Rev. A? Not sure if this has been asked before.

I'm getting closer to getting my Rev. A finished. Still awaiting some torriods from Plitorn.

Anyone use more than 10KuF for the bulk capacitors? I found some 15K ones I'm thinking of using.

Re: Rev. A to Rev. C Mods

tommytube said:
Do you have a marked up schematic showing what additions you made to Rev. A? Not sure if this has been asked before.

I'm getting closer to getting my Rev. A finished. Still awaiting some torriods from Plitorn.

Anyone use more than 10KuF for the bulk capacitors? I found some 15K ones I'm thinking of using.


Hmm, really the schematic is from REV C. He simply did some P2P on the board to implement REV C.

I have been meaning to document the conversion at some point. It is not really too hard, you just need both schematics in front of you.


I have used 12Kuf nichicons with good results. :)

Thanks for the pics

BrianDonegan said:
Well, I just modded my RevA to a full RevC (previously had just added cap and resistors to LM318 for stability). I thought I'd share a couple pictures for anyone who needs to do it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

I am trying to figure out if I want to wait for the mono boards or build a stereo version of the C. Piergiorgio sent a mask that shows the placement for this. The pics are a little clearer.
I need to look at this closely. The addition of a connection to pin 8 of the LM318 had me worried. Also changing the 100 pf cap to a 22pf and connecting to the other input.
How do the two compare sonically? I have a couple tweaks for my A yet to do. The cap in the feedback loop and the 12K resistor. I think there is still a little more in mine.
Has anyone preferred the A to the C version of My Reference?

Re: Thanks for the pics

Panelhead said:

I am trying to figure out if I want to wait for the mono boards or build a stereo version of the C. Piergiorgio sent a mask that shows the placement for this. The pics are a little clearer.
I need to look at this closely. The addition of a connection to pin 8 of the LM318 had me worried. Also changing the 100 pf cap to a 22pf and connecting to the other input.
How do the two compare sonically? I have a couple tweaks for my A yet to do. The cap in the feedback loop and the 12K resistor. I think there is still a little more in mine.
Has anyone preferred the A to the C version of My Reference?


Hi George, I really like them both. REV A is stellar, the one big thing REV C has is better phase linearity, but it is a compromise. The REV C circuit has limited bandwidth, and a different technique for managing the feedback which is not quite as stable as REV A. But stability has never been an issue for anyone I have talked to with either circuit.

Both circuits are compromises.

One good thing about the monoblocs I have produced in that you can utilize them for REV A,B and C, and there are some other subtle improvements.

The ability to drive each channel with its own trafo, or with a shared trafo is a big win for the monobloc approach. Also you can use two heatsinks instead of one. The bypassing on the monoblocs is a little more robust (though it was never anything but good).

So here is what I would do if I were you.

Build the REV As. Try them I think you will love them.

Then.. build the REV C monoblocs which should fit in the same case with the same HS, and try them. I think you will find they are both different, but quite enjoyable in there own rights.

hi all,

RevA= optimizes amp ( read my technical relationship and this thread ).
RevC= the most linear amplifier that me has built never.
The changes not are able appraise from the add. components, but from the technical analysis that there is after.
The revC THD is low of 0,002% in all the audio band and to all the powers on 8 ohms, and I have to change the generator to measure it with precision. The variation of THD among 4 and 8 ohms and the THD change vs. amplitude it's nearly nonexistent, the DF is flat (300) in all the audio band...

The stability is similar (RevA-RevC) and adeguate (no "pure caps" load but all "real load" capability)

in your Photo not the 22pF cap is seen among R7 and pin6 LM318.
the 150pF on R7(R30) it may on component side, and without R42(R41) 270 ohm (more stability).


Through the magic of x-ray technology, a little more clarity :

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Hi Mauro-

The 22pF cap has replaced the original 100pF (C10, C25) on the top of the board (standard mounting).

You are suggesting I remove R41, R42 (270R) for added stability? That can be done. It would certainly make the mod cleaner. My RevC monoblocks have R41 in place without any apparent issues, but I can try removing it there as well.

...The 22pF cap has replaced the original 100pF (C10, C25) on the top of the board (standard mounting).

No Brian, this is an comprehension error caused by me.
C10 and C25 not replace the 100pF, but they become 22pF and they change the position, connecting Pin6 LM318 with R7 (R30) 12Kohm(pin3LM318). The position of C10 and C25 staies frees.
This is a lot of important!


22 pf cap

The 22 pf connects now to the other input of the LM318. It was from output to the inverting input, in the C it goes to the noninverting input The A is pin 6 to pin 2. The C is pin 6 to pin 3.
Either way it looks real clean the way you modded this one. I have another stereo board to use as a C platform. Think I will go ahead and build it to compare to my A.
Thnks for taking the time to show your handiwork. The path lengths are much shorter than what I had envisioned. Mine would have looked hillbilly rigged without seeing PLovati's and your layouts.
