My first ever Class A amp.

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10 Years After

I just can't believe that more than ten years has slipped by since I made this battleship of an amplifier. I don't use it anymore;it just sits on the floor in my work room. Probably about 4 years since it was last switched on. Just felt like taking a few pictures.


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Joined 2010
Paid Member
That case looks like an industrial (expensive) type and that is one heavyweight power supply. I guess the chokes came from the same (ahem!) source?....

So what do you want to do, if you don't use it anymore? It would seem a waste to either leave it as a relic of 10 years ago or scrap it so why not upgrade or replace the electronics with a more recent design, make a PCB or use kits and get that audio enthusiasm flowing again. After 10 years more threads here and goodness knows how many other design resources, maybe something else appeals to your sense of challenge and audio taste.

In my personal experience, amps or any audio gear become redundant because they don't really do what we like - either it's not automated and easy to use with remote control or other equipment like HT, active crossovers etc. or it doesn't actually sound as good as we'd like. My reasoning has never been "in tune" with my ears so I try to tell myself something sounds good because the concept, schematic or specs look like it should or someone tells me it sounds wonderful when it really doesn't prove enjoyable to me, over time. I have a shed stacked with 40 years of such blunders so I have some expertise there, even if it's not exaxctly the useful kind.

Dunno why I keep trying different, often unlikely gear but sometimes you hear stuff that really does sound great with different combinations of speakers, programme, rooms etc. That at least makes all the effort fun and enjoyable. :)
OK so I have a couple of questions here! It has been controversy some time: A pineer A-602R stereo amplifier states on the back spec. plate 650w power consumption, a DENON same class has 260w Power consumption posted and a Kenwood ka-5090R has 330w power consumption posted! 1st. how much power does the Pioneer tipically use, and when does it use 650w? 2.Why do the oothers consume less?
I just can't believe that more than ten years has slipped by since I made this battleship of an amplifier. I don't use it anymore;it just sits on the floor in my work room. Probably about 4 years since it was last switched on. Just felt like taking a few pictures.
Nice to see your work from yester-year for the first time! :) Interesting to see what people were building back then. It certainly has that industrial look and feel to it. :D
OK so I have a couple of questions here! It has been controversy some time: A pineer A-602R stereo amplifier states on the back spec. plate 650w power consumption, a DENON same class has 260w Power consumption posted and a Kenwood ka-5090R has 330w power consumption posted! 1st. how much power does the Pioneer tipically use, and when does it use 650w? 2.Why do the oothers consume less?

The Denon and the Kenwood's consumption sounds more realistic. 1. Most likely never. 2. They consume about the same.
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