My_Ref Fremen Edition RC - Build thread

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dtes you sound like me when i first started the journey of modding myrefc.

if you're to look at my earliest posts on 'new myrefc' thread, i'm always complaining about lack of bass, much like you.
then after many swapping of components as recommended by dario, i don't remember exactly when and after which swap, but myrefc's bass improved to where now it's simply the best bass i have heard.

it can still sound underwhelming to indiscriminate listener because it is not as damped as many other amps, but what is there is deep, articulate and rich in harmonics.

i recently got to compare it to an onkyo class ab unit and it was an even match. onkyo had a tad more slam but myref actually had more body.

come to think of it, i think what did it for me was mlytic 10000uf smoothing caps. at first they didn't seem like much but they probably started helping out greatly as they got broken in. i'd look at swapping out caps first for the biggest improvements.
I would suggest to builders to start with one of the two BOMs (full or 'on a budget') and only after trying different parts so it would be possible to make a comparison to a common base.


I don't know enough to say which parts were important to what, but I have to agree with Dario that going with the BOM is the bomb. I've been very happy just following the leader.

I will say that you need to give the FE's a little time, especially with new caps in place. I was originally feeling the bass was weak, but after an hour or two the bass became excellent.


One other comment on your new chassis. It's just amazing how small the FE's look in that box. :)

Badri's build (part 1)

Badrisuper asked me to post for him pictures of his build...You'll find them attached.


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Hey All :yell::yell::yell:

How about a status report from the group. I'm guessing around six builders have started and/or finished. It would be nice to hear from everyone even if you haven't started yet.

Please post your ststus so everyone gets an idea when the major agreements or possible substitution dialogs might begin.

I have been watching the thread in my few stolen moments the last few weeks. Unfortunately I have not had much time for audio projects recently as I am busy with the purchase of a new home and all of the things that go along with that....painting......painting.....painting. anyways I have made progress on my pr-amp and am almost finished with it. I will soon be able to begin work on the FE, I am jealous of those of you who are finished and listening to this amp, I am sure it is somthing special. I am still going back and forth with idea of monoblocks. I guess I have time to decide:D
By the way Bob I did finish my cat 5 speaker cables and have to say they do have a positive effect on the sound of my system. The bass is more defined and the highs are crystal clear. Thanks for the heads up.

My fingers just recovered!

Glad to hear you like the cables. They provide a significant improvement at minimal cost. Well worth the effort....... and the sore fingers :Ouch:

Also wanted to add if builders don't want to post their ststus for any reason, a PM to Dario would be great.
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dtes you sound like me when i first started the journey of modding myrefc.

if you're to look at my earliest posts on 'new myrefc' thread, i'm always complaining about lack of bass, much like you.
then after many swapping of components as recommended by dario, i don't remember exactly when and after which swap, but myrefc's bass improved to where now it's simply the best bass i have heard.

thanks mate!
You gave me a hope! will try to replace parts one by one and stick to the BOM then as this is the only option now.

yes, I would replace them.

Use SMD thin film resistors, with a low TCR (<=50ppm)

grazie :)
I saw recently a Member reporting that all 0.1% tolerance (thin film) smd are metal film and that all 1% tolerance (thick film) smd are metal oxide.

Is this universal?

Does the metal oxide perform sonically as well as the metal film? I am assuming the resistance value is identical.

Prego (you're welcome)

Please note that it's not easy to find good sounding SMD resistors, I can't guarantee that the ones you'll buy will sound with full bass.

Try to find Nichrome ones

I saw recently a Member reporting that all 0.1% tolerance smd are metal film and that all 1% tolerance smd are metal oxide.

Hi Andrew,


IMHO it's a simply absurd generalization.

While most of the 0.1% are thin film or bulk foil, in 1% tolerance thin film, thick films, and metaloxide are all available.

Does the metal oxide perform sonically as well as the metal film? I am assuming the resistance value is identical.

If you trust in this sort of things... no.

Usually Metal oxide sound harsher and less detailed than metalfilms.
Sounds good

Finally got my FE RC build working today....
Shoe-horned into my 'my ref rev C' chassis, and using the obligato input caps and lightspeed passive pre I used in that build. This was mostly because of lack of money, but also means I can compare with my memory of how the my ref rev C ultimate bom sounded last week.
All worked with no hum or problems straight away, measured 13 mV and 16 mV DC R/L at the output.
I will wait a week or so before getting too sentimental, but the sound is already very good after a few hours...
Thanks Dario, it's sounding good!



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Finally got my FE RC build working today....

Hi Bill,

Good news! :)

All worked with no hum or problems straight away, measured 13 mV and 16 mV DC R/L at the output.

Fine, expect DC offset to lower in some days.

I will wait a week or so before getting too sentimental, but the sound is already very good after a few hours...


Thanks Dario, it's sounding good!

You're welcome.

I've seen you're using a ground breaker to connect PGND to safety earth.

When you can, please, try to disconnect PGND from modules and tell us if you hear a difference (pay attention to soundstage).
Hi Bob,
Power for the lightspeed is tapped from one of the large smoothing caps via a regulator suggested by Regi Regi on the My ref rev C ultimate BOM thread.
That's the brown proto board with five caps center right.

White leads are cheap cat 5 lan cable, I just use one for each channel, going to a headphone socket/switch set up.

It's all a bit patched up and shoddy since I added the headphone output as an afterthought.... still don't have the resistor values right...
Next time!

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