NAIM NAP250 Original clone build thread

The dual mono architecture is widely used in a lot of amplifiers,

.. it is the choice made by NAIM with its DR system...
"Dual mono": sound untested!
They do not even know how to test it: Just connect the two mono power supplies with thin cables.
On this following sound change experience you can wind up almost the entire audio or HiFi discourse;-) Which will also read as follows: DR power supplies are simply sonic garbage. This only works with bad co-devices, whether loudspeakers, sources, "strings"...)-...
Simply test it, as suggested.
"Dual mono": sound untested!
They do not even know how to test it: Just connect the two mono power supplies with thin cables.
On this following sound change experience you can wind up almost the entire audio or HiFi discourse;-) Which will also read as follows: DR power supplies are simply sonic garbage. This only works with bad co-devices, whether loudspeakers, sources, "strings"...)-...
Simply test it, as suggested.
I would be curious to know, for you which are the good materials (speaker/source) and which are the bad ones ?
Jpk, what super regs are you using?
ALWSR, modified for higher voltage, it's basically a Jung super regulator, see attached schematic (there are caps missing at the outputs of the pre-regulators: I use 100uF).


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I would be curious to know, for you which are the good materials (speaker/source) and which are the bad ones ?
To bring us on a level of experience, so that statements about loudspeakers and sources also inform reasonably identically, an offer:
Okay. Not an "original NAP" but nearly the same. May be, a little better, because little simpler and no further preamps and connectors and psus and more.
I would start with these "chinese" dreamamps. They do a really great job! This little one beats all complex complementary-transistors-pp-amps, label and price do not matter.
I have prepared to start some tests: bridged input selector and volume poti (white and blue wires upside), symmetrized the channels - half-wave symmetrizing is not feasible here; the only drawback with this little thing - regarding psus (+ and +; TWO psus! red and white wire downside), disconnected the second secondary winding of the trafo - last picture, the resoldered hole;-)
Finally I want build in a little se - a reference in sound and a basic to test e.g. parts as diodes, transes, resistors, caps and all other stuff;-)

So my advice is to buy one of these little things and do basic exercises. To finally create a SUPER NAP 250;-)
And my first advise would be: disconnect the second secondary winding of the trafo. Generally;-)


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Thanks for showing us your references, that explains a lot. Are you sure that little 4052BE switched input section, bypassed with some nice wires and RCAs made of selected materials (such as claimed to be of superior influence to the sound quality), will outperform a Naim preamp...? BTW what music are you listening to with these amps?
I use this super regulator for the front end of the power amp. The output stage is powered by Jeff's inverted version of the discrete Naim regulator. So it's non-DR, but at the end of the day I would call it DR ;-)

The sound improvement is both in HF or LF: everything gets cleaner, tidier, more natural, more musical, in my ears quite a significant difference. As I mentioned I compared many (if not all) combinations of non-regulated and regulated front ends and power stages and found that with my NAP clone the fully and separately regulated stages give the best result.

Of course you can use the super regulator also for a preamp or DAC - I use 14 of them in a AD1862 based DAC, another project not yet finished...
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To bring us on a level of experience, so that statements about loudspeakers and sources also inform reasonably identically, an offer:
Okay. Not an "original NAP" but nearly the same. May be, a little better, because little simpler and no further preamps and connectors and psus and more.
I would start with these "chinese" dreamamps. They do a really great job! This little one beats all complex complementary-transistors-pp-amps, label and price do not matter.
I have prepared to start some tests: bridged input selector and volume poti (white and blue wires upside), symmetrized the channels - half-wave symmetrizing is not feasible here; the only drawback with this little thing - regarding psus (+ and +; TWO psus! red and white wire downside), disconnected the second secondary winding of the trafo - last picture, the resoldered hole;-)
Finally I want build in a little se - a reference in sound and a basic to test e.g. parts as diodes, transes, resistors, caps and all other stuff;-)

So my advice is to buy one of these little things and do basic exercises. To finally create a SUPER NAP 250;-)
And my first advise would be: disconnect the second secondary winding of the trafo. Generally;-)
This device is remarkable for 90 euros. I don't know how they can make a profit, once you remove the price of the box and the transformer, the components must be counterfeits. This does not prevent it from working but the sound quality I do not think it should dream.
I know that there is a school in HI-FI which calls itself the objectivists and who believe that low-end equipment competes with high-end.

Their counterpart are the subjectivists who only believe their ears and who listen to cryogenic cables costing 10,000 euros...

I think that the two schools are on the wrong track, the reality lies in the technique but also in listening, a good cook always tastes his dishes.
For me, a reference other than Naim audio, the manufacturer even indicates the rate of intermodulation distortion, which is very rare and very reassuring when it comes to the quality of the device. we can also note the bandwidth which drops very low and which is not so frequent on amplifiers. On my oscilloscope the NAP I go down to 1 Hz and it keeps 90% of its power, it's impressive and the bass is monstrous on this amp if you plug it into big bowls.

  • Réponse en fréquence : 0,5 Hz - 160 kHz +0, – 3 dB
  • Distorsion d’intermodulation (IMD) : 0,01 % ou moins
  • Facteur d’amortissement : 400 (EIA, charge de 8 ohms, 50 Hz)
  • Rapport S/B : minimum 112 dB (pondéré A)
@jpk73 I haven't had the opportunity to listen to the difference between NAIM DR and non DR but my father did at the time because he wanted to replace his old NAP 250, he told me that the NAP DR went further more finesse in the details and stamps. Personally I would tend to trust NAIM audio, we can always discuss the technical choices, but the DR must bring something. In any case you will tell us once finished how your two amps sound.
For the little story in the end, he kept his old NAP 250 which he had overhauled and renovated and which still works in his chain, it dates from 1979 anyway and has worked continuously.
Yes, the chrome and olive Naim amps are wonderful. They claim that DR brings magnitudes of lower noise etc., so the DR version are generally considered to sound cleaner and quieter. Accuphase is another great company I think has really good sound. I compared a top olive system to a heavy Accuphase system into reference B+W speakers. They were very different. The Accuphase sounded extremely natural and 3dimensional, the Naim had strong emotional impact.
Naim has always fallen short on the 3D/natural front. Their own limitation (not the laws of physics).
I designed a type of DR for my amp. I found it a very difficult challenge. I ended up with a combination of passive and regulated. It's a good idea in theory but tricky to get it right at audiophile level.
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So what Naimees are using as regs to mod their Naim preamps / sources? All the Awls and sort threads dried up and I can't find anything recent. I brought home CDX , Nait3 and Nat03 and although they are far behind all the other junk I have in Audiophile terms somehow they manage to keep my attention to music which rarely happens nowadays.
Yes, rarely. But exactly that is what matters: the music. Many systems can reproduce sound quite well, but music falls apart, or better said: doesn't happen at all.

Music is not sound. Music only consists of sound. Just like bricks are not the house, but a house is made of bricks.
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About that circuit (NAP140).

R22 is 0.22 ohm (like there is no inductor L1)/ speaker has 1uf capacitance->

for 1khz, FFT is like. If you put R22> 4ohm then there is no that like oscillation. phase compensation resistor values also changes the oscillation. I didn't look for different values. I'm writing here for as knowledge about what is going on :) (Ltspice simulation results).
Also, you can see the oscillation from the sin wave. I didn't test in real world. I was searching optimum R22 value in the L1/R22 combination.
