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New Aspen 125W Amplifier - The Titan

Yeah, according to Australian standards we are practically neighbours, although we live in different countries. I'll certainly consider it, although I'm already very enthusiastic after reading in to the design and the comments of other builders.

Hi Hugh, hope you're feeling a bit better. A few questions if you don't mind. Vladka and I have finally finished building our countryside retreat, the living room is very spacious (EU standards ;)) compared to where we live now, It has a "cathedral ceiling" with an apex of 5.4M, 26 degree roof, and an area of around 55m2. My pre-amp is an SRPP ECC82 amp, currently in pieces as I'm upgrading the case/cabling. The speakers sensitivity is around the 91dB mark. The source will mostly be Tidal via an Audio Note DAC. I loved the other Aspen amps I had and feel like I should move away from my current Pass F5. Would you recommend the Tidal for this? Or the larger Maya? For the length of time I usually have an amp the price difference is not important, the sound is. I tend towards the warmer, fuller, less analytical, more live sound, if that makes sense. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated. This summer will be about moving and settling, early '25 will be about a new sound in our house! Thanks Hugh 🙏
Oh, sorry, I said a few, had one more, the largest sizes of the Titan and Maya (longest, deepest, highest), if possible Hugh. I want to ensure the enclosure I have in mind is suitable. The pre, DAC and power amp will be in the living room, and though Vladka is very easy going with regards to the audio equipment, she loves to listen to music and movies, doesn't mind large speakers, it just needs to look the part ;),
Hi Ron,
My apologies, slow reply, I am still running on five cylinders........
Welcome back to the forum, lovely to talk with you again! Ah, to be in Alaska, it would be wonderful!
Now, answers.
Either the Titan 125 and the Maya 200 would suit your large listening room, and more than suitable for 91dB/watt/metre speakers. It will depend only on style of presentation. The Titan gives breathtaking resolution and dynamics, while the Maya gives huge refinement, scale, and late night listening.
This is the essential difference in bipolar (Titan) output vs mosfet (Maya) outputs. As modules the Titans are $AUD2600 a pair, while the Mayas are $3200. It's AUD, however, so it's about 2/3 these figures in USD.
Both amplifiers have been developed in the last year, the Titan a year back, and the latest V423 Maya, only six months ago. As time goes by I learn more tricks of the trade, and my sound quality incrementally improves. These are my best amplifiers ever, and both have been compared against a 300W Gryphon, a Pass X30-60 and a Pass INT25. These are very good amplifiers and my latest are not embarrassed in any way, shall I say........

The Titan pcb is 284mm x 71mm (one channel) with six output/driver devices to be cooled. The Maya pcb is 254mm x 71mm with two very large mosfet outputs and two on board pcb heatsinks. Both pcbs have a total height of 62mm, but both modules need substantial heatsinks on the Cu side of the pcb. These are drilled, tapped and supplied at sale.

Most of my source is a SMSL DAC D6S, and from normally Tidal or a laptop with high res files. Your SRPP ECC82 will be a very good preamplifier which will confer a very nice tube sound to the system. I find good recordings in 24 bit, at least 48KHz, are markedly superior to 16/44, and my amps bring out the recording process very well. The best word for the sound is 'natural', with no electronic, digital or noisy artefacts at all. Both amps are extremely quite and on my 90dB/watt speakers I cannot tell the amps are on even with my ear in the cones.

I have been quiet at the marketplace, but very busy in the R&D, my greatest love in this area as you know!

Great to see you again, Ron!

Thanks Hugh! Pretty quick reply in my book, and detailed! Lots to consider. I’ve moved on from the “harps in heaven” kind of sound to a more rounded, warm, “live” sound. From ESL to cone. Is that age related I wonder…

Live jazz, blues, some classical, intertwined by the occasional lounge (electronic) music. Like you, Tidal high resolution via streamer and DAC. I do tend to listen to just about every kind of music but lately I’ve found I only settle down, sit, listen and focus on the before mentioned.

Everything is in pieces to change the look. Since Vladka doesn’t complain about any of the equipment in the new living room the least I can do is give it a nice homogeneous look. Perfect time to replace the F5.

Anyway, we’ll be in touch Hugh. Let me know when you’re ready to spend some time in Alaska. It’s as spectacular as ever.

I’m heading home Saturday, will be home Sunday. Then the moving will begin.

Till soon Hugh, thanks for the warm welcome back.
The Titan adopts a highly refined topology with very high speed active devices and current feedback. Full power is more than 125W, but I rate it conservatively with 52V bipolar supplies. Each channel requires a 300VA toroid with two independent secondaries at 35Vac each.
Hope you’re well Hugh! Quick question, I have a couple of 300VA toroids in the cupboard, but they’re 33Vac each. I believe they may be a remnant of the Lifeforce modules… would that work?
Thanks, as always.
Super, thanks Hugh. Yep, back home, was away for 3 1/2 months. Moving house now, slowly, that’s how I came across the old toroids.

Going again late August so there’s time for moving and finalizing my thoughts regarding the system upgrade.

How are you feeling Hugh? Hope you’re better. Best, Ron