New I2S 8ch board

Hi. Wanted to share my newest USB to I2S 8ch board. As always ready to buy boards doesn't fit my projects perfectly, so had to make my own version. It is 8ch out/8ch in USB to I2S. All outputs and inputs are with lvds drivers for longer lines communication. Up to 192khz. First input channel has hardware ASRC if needed. I developed it for use with linux for embedded purposes for interfacing sabre DAC's Mounting holes fit khadas vim3 board or RPI. Based on sabre chip.
Not very universal as it has only I2S no SPDIF or other nonsenses :rolleyes: In case someone needs just like this I could sell in EU.
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Hello, how you will sell this bro?. I'd been interested to buy one, 'cause i'm trying to implement a complete digital procesing based on linux micro-pcs or sbcs, also in the traspotation of audio over ethernet like DANTE. I had the intention on to develop something like you (I don't have any knowledge about but...) , here is my investigation repository in Notion:
is it possible to adapt this module for 12channel i2s output?
Not sure how good linux can handle two boards with identical names VID and PID. Also would need to add coaxial connector for common clock signal to prevent drifft. Did’t try that so can’t say exactly. Theoretically yes, practicaly don’t know
How did you get the ESS chip? I looked for this in octopart's web, but it seems not be available. But,I'm thinking could be an option to remanufacture some DAC from AliExpress to get the chip ES9280
XMOS would be the easier way maybe. You have to buy directly as manufacturer, kind a problematic. and if you will take the chip from aliexpress you will stuck because of firmware.
Dou you exactly need lvds output? Thats why you interested in my board?
Hi Tschrama,
It works only with linux.No Mac no windows. Call it a feature or a bug as you want.Don’t ask why 🙂 it was for my projects so not very versatile. I am not aware of any comercial adc or dac which uses lvds interface. It is probably only for someone who does its one DAC with lvds and don’t want to bother by doing its own usb i2s converter. Not very usefull probably outside my own gear..
Not sure how good linux can handle two boards with identical names VID and PID. Also would need to add coaxial connector for common clock signal to prevent drifft. Did’t try that so can’t say exactly. Theoretically yes, practicaly don’t know

XMOS would be the easier way maybe. You have to buy directly as manufacturer, kind a problematic. and if you will take the chip from aliexpress you will stuck because of firmware.
Dou you exactly need lvds output? Thats why you interested in my board?
mmm no, essentially i wish the usb to i2s bridge with multichanel capabilities, the thing is that I liked the ES9280 option (I've seen xmos 6OUT/4IN i2s before). I really want to power a diy sound processing system based on linux dsp libraries like CARLA (falktx) with LSP plugins.

Not sure how good linux can handle two boards with identical names VID and PID. Also would need to add coaxial connector for common clock signal to prevent drifft. Did’t try that so can’t say exactly. Theoretically yes, practicaly don’t know
That was my error at a previous attempt, I made this other example with AliExpress parts (, it worked fine with high sound quality in single board stereo but when I tried to connect 3 kits of these modules at a same laptop (all in a same USB hub too), but Linux only recognized one at a time (2 of 6 theoretical channels), I couldn't try it with other computer that has 3 independent USB ports since then
It works only with linux.No Mac no windows.
What is the reason? There are some DACs based on ESS9820 and they seem to be UAC2 compliant. Or is not the case?

I tried to connect 3 kits of these modules at a same laptop (all in a same USB hub too), but Linux only recognized one at a time (2 of 6 theoretical channels), I couldn't try it with other computer that has 3 independent USB ports since then
In linux USB devices should be identified not only by their VID/PID, but also by their USB port. An appropriate udev rule would assign unique alsa names to each USB soundcard, based on the port.

As of the identification - perhaps does your USB hub not have enough of fullspeed->highspeed transaction translators?
What is the reason? There are some DACs based on ESS9820 and they seem to be UAC2 compliant. Or is not the case?
Yes it is UAC2 compliant. It is kind of sw bug in my firmware, but i like it:)
In linux USB devices should be identified not only by their VID/PID, but also by their USB port. An appropriate udev rule would assign unique alsa names to each USB soundcard, based on the port.
Ok thanks for info.
If anyone good at programming XMOS could help i would go with XMOS hardware . It is more expensive, but SDK lets to tweak things so it is universal. There is no SDK for sabre chip.
Could I know your board's total cost?
Just looked at the BOM and schematics. So there are several variants possible. The most naked without LVDS drivers i could make something around 110eur.
The most expensive 8ch out 8ch in lvds +2ch input with ASCR converter to interface to any other i2s source could sell for 180eur. And over versions something in between. Fastening holes are adapted to raspberry 4 board and khadas vim3 board.Board is i2s master.

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Hello is this Board possible to use as an SRC for 8Channel i2S In and 8Channel I2S Out to an Raspberry i need an I2s 8 Channel SRC but cant find an DIY Solution so far :(

I need an fixed Output Samplerate like 96 or 192 kHz

Ah, ok only 2 Channel SRC so no, isn't for me then ;)
