New Markaudio Drivers

Joined 2001
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Toole has shown that F3 is a meaningless number to humans. I’d guess these reach into the low 30s F10 anechoic.

To give a better estimate i’d need to see Scott’s sims, i have only seen Scott’s Windows Paint pre-cursor drawings of the Sea Stack MLTL, which suggest that anechoic F6 is 36 Hz. In room the low frequencies should be lifted (on average, room modes will come into play) how much depends on the room, room placement and how much stuffing is put into the line (after many Scott builds we typically start with 2/3rds the recommended amount qnd that is how much we used in our build).

I’d say that from our listening so far, this is a very good box/driver combo.

Pensils typically are not targeted for maximum LF response, instead aiming for a strong mid/upper bass (40-160 Hz) response (pro alignment) where most of what we think of as bass occurs.



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