New Markaudio Drivers

If anyone can spot any typos or snafu's on my part, please do not feel embarrassed to chip in, I do make mistakes, I find inputting the info for the web pages to be quite taxing just staring at all the input fields and my mind wanders off :)

Any chance you could get it so the Facebook Messenger popup quits after the first time I tell it to go away?

I want to browse, and it takes up a fair portion of my screen.

Tempted by the new CHNs...

Hi Chris, Actually that isn't something I can control, the FB plugin just does it's own thing. That said I can't make it pop out without clicking on it after the first time closing it. I'm reluctant to get rid of it completely as since it was there my enquiries have gone through the roof. After all the speed optimisation and SEO etc, it's been the single biggest plus for encouraging a purchase since I set the site up.

I haven't actually ended up with as many CHN from the factory as I expected so don't leave it to long.
Hi all,

I have ordered a Pluvia 7HD metal coned, and also a CHN-50 to test.

Does anyone have optimum sealed cabinet sizes for these?

I have a very run in pair of the 7.3's to test against.

I now have two mics, ubs & Xlr. Will hopefully learn to take measurements.

7.2 HD - Sealed isn't too fussy, for max flat - .707 Q about 11 litre cabinet, but if that moved up and down a bit that's no problem really. Filling the space and making sure it is properly sealed is more important really. Should yield and f3 of 85 Hz

5.3 Alpair sealed size is a little more critical to keep it flat-ish - as the box is so small, optimal size would only be about a litre from a calculation which may be impractical, but even making it 10 litres doesn't really effect group delay adversely. The larger box will lift the f6 a little but both would have similar f3 at around 140Hz. Probably not low enough for sealed use then and using a passive XO to cross to a woofer WAW style would mean moving the crossover point up to a good octave (minimum) above Fb - you could get away with 300 Hz in the 10 litre box and 500 Hz in the 1 litre. I'd suggest that most boxes for these will be built with the bass hump tuning marketing depts like to give an impression of slam and then nothing below. For example a 10 litre ported box tuned at 65 Hz (4.7CM dia port by 9CM length) gives flat down to 100Hz then lifts 4 dB or so to 65Hz and then drops quickly to give an f3 of 55 Hz. All a bit one note but that is most like these small little bluetooth speakers/ home assistants.
Thanks Stefan, really helpful.

Perhaps my Alpair 7 cabinets (approx 11l) can be recycled!

My thoughts for the 5.3's are to get them in a small a box as possible, with the idea of them being in cafe's and restaurants, always with a sub to handle a bit of low end.

But it would be great to hear them in an optimum box, for comparison.

email just came through, my order has shipped!
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Does anyone have optimum sealed cabinet sizes for these?

I haven’t done the P7HD yet.




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Is you CNC accurate enough to be able to do mitre fold boxes?
Can be done with a tablesaw, duct tape and fiberglass tape. Not quite a mitre fold as it's 8 pieces. It's old school but it works like a charm.


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I've managed to take some quick 0-15-30deg measurements of 7MS pensils. Please take them with grain of salt as rig itself (iMM-6 + freeMLS) is quite basic (as well as my measurement expertise), so it's rather some relative data to give you guys general idea on how its off-axis performance could look like - for the lack of official data - than precise measurements of any sort. 1/12 octave smoothing has been used.


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I decided to make some comparative measurements at my listening point. Basically it confirms my subjective impressions. It's completely unscientific approach but also gives an idea of A7MS vs benchmark A7.3. 1/3 octave smoothing is applied (its imprecise anyway so I've maid it easier to read)

Some people here could be well aware of this, but just in case - please keep in mind that high freq roll-off is natural thing happening at the distance as higher frequencies are getting attenuated more by the air. Recordings are mastered to accommodate for this and headphones are tuned to match this as well, so his response could be directly compared to headphone of your taste but not to the raw speaker data.


  • 7ms_73.png
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I've managed to take some quick 0-15-30deg measurements of 7MS pensils. Please take them with grain of salt as rig itself (iMM-6 + freeMLS) is quite basic (as well as my measurement expertise), so it's rather some relative data to give you guys general idea on how its off-axis performance could look like - for the lack of official data - than precise measurements of any sort. 1/12 octave smoothing has been used.
Thanks for the measurements!

Is it possible to gate the signal in freeMLS? It would be nice to see the response without reflections. And if it's not too much to ask for I'd also like to see 45 and 60 degrees off-axis as well.

I decided to make some comparative measurements at my listening point. Basically it confirms my subjective impressions. It's completely unscientific approach but also gives an idea of A7MS vs benchmark A7.3. 1/3 octave smoothing is applied (its imprecise anyway so I've maid it easier to read)

Some people here could be well aware of this, but just in case - please keep in mind that high freq roll-off is natural thing happening at the distance as higher frequencies are getting attenuated more by the air. Recordings are mastered to accommodate for this and headphones are tuned to match this as well, so his response could be directly compared to headphone of your taste but not to the raw speaker data.
High frequency attenuation is not usually noticable in a home environment. How large is your room? And the dips around 10 kHz seem weird.

I've only seen it taken into account for PA, especially for dry air.

First, why would I want to simulate my headphones while listening to my speakers?

Most mixing apps do the exact opposite, simulate a speaker setup when listening with headphones.

And the only speaker setup I've heard (so far) that sort of emulates headphones are line arrays.

Second, my headphones are EQed flat-ish, with a gentle down curve of 5dBs between 300Hz to 15kHz (can't hear past that anyway).

But if you like the Beats headphone sound, then it's your preference, and as long as you are happy, then it's all good.

Enjoy your Pensils.
My current favorites are HD58x from Massdrop/Sennheiser if it makes any sense to you. Yes I can't bear extremely sharp sound of say DT880 ("Beyer Peak") which some people consider "detailed" and "airy" - to me they are just piercing (most of these guys admitting though they can't listen them for more than an hour). But I honestly can't imagine any person who can stand with truly linear response from headphones, you must have really special hearing. And that makes your ultimative conclusions a bit confusing for average person.

I'm preferring A7MS over A7.3 finding latter a bit unnatural due to excess of highs. That alone makes them usable for at least one person in the world so your definition of them being unusable is basically not valid. Also I haven't heard any multiway speakers which I could describe as natural sounding after going full-range for a first time 10 years ago. And yes I do remember the era of people V-shaping their boomboxes' 10-band equalizers "for better sound". With my gear, I do not eq anything, why do I need to distort the sound which is perfect to my ears as is? Enjoy your EQs and tweeters.
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