New sub design? Constricted Transflex, simple build (series tuned 6th order)

if you could stand the larger cabinet, then SS15 seems like a good one to build for PN395-8. With adequate bracing, SS15 could probably be made of 5/8" BB - (were some built of 12mm ?)

I'm guessing damping would be put at its "start" (rear) - on edge 1/2" braces between panels would stiffen things quite a bit and could have cutouts

- might consider TB46's Karlflex but am waiting to see what MMJ can do for a Kappa12a version with higher tuning as I want it visceral on slapped upright bass and drum tracks

I presume TB46 has passed away :sad:

If i put a Kappa12a in TB46's ~41Hz tuned Karlflex, I think it would not exhibit much punch and would have too much excursion. Karlson's k12, introduced in the fall of 1954 stayed the same size throughout its years til his death in 1973. It was tuned in the low 60's, a chamber ratio roughly 2:1 rear to front, and seems to handle 200w peaks well with a Pyle pym1298 which was Eminence built to ~ same spec as their current Kappa12a. That little cabinet is impressive with a K-tube tweeter and sounds more dynamic on a certain organ/synth cut by the late Rudy Rosa than my Klipschorn. A sub should make a cool system.


here's MMJ's constricted transflex fudge for Acoustic Control's 115BK scaled x 0.907 to roughly sim a Karlson K12.
i don't know if a K12 i 1 pi with Kappa12a would really go as low as the sim. But it does look punchier, and TB46's
alignment more appropriate to a higher xmax woofer.

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Answering some questions and information for Brookheart

Here are the Hornresp inputs I used to sim the PN395-8.


I haven't been on DIYaudio enough lately, so i will catch up on some responses here (below) .....
The new Dayton PN395-8 is something we cannot recommend just yet until someone measures one of them to verify that the published T/S Parameters are reasonably accurate ..... Some of the recent heavy duty 15" and 18" PA offerings from Dayton have been known to be tragically off-spec so it is better to be safe than sorry here ....

A few friends have been talking about ordering a PN395-8 to measure with their DATS unit .. Once that happens we will know for sure about how legit that driver is .... If in fact the parameters look good then it will be a fantastic value for sure :)

Ok, now about cabinet layouts and designs:
The one that you had previously chosen to build was earlier in the process of developing these series tuned cabinet designs .. .... Later in the discussion there are painstakingly refined cabinet designs that were posted and then actually built and verified to work properly in the real world, so i would suggest that you have a look at those ..... Either can be used with a decent 15" driver ........ One is the Karlflex cabinet, and the other was the ML-Transflex for the Lab15-4 (special run) ..... Both of those cabinets are successful :up: I can either repost the plans/sketches or try to find just where in this discussion the final revisions of the sketches were posted .. .

If you want extreme performance and don't mind an even larger cabinet then we have some fantastic designs that we are currently working with that i can share with you ... ....

I can also direct you to some great drivers that have been measured and are known to work well . .

To answer your question about the dotted line in some of my sketches: it is nothing to worry about really, it just indicates that there is an edge of a panel in the background of the image (it does not indicate a screen or grill or fabric or anything like that, i realize some people have been confused by this so i am considering the use of something other than dotted lines to avoid this confusion .. )
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Thanks for clearing up a lot of questions I had. And about your new designs: I’m always interested in seeing the latest and greatest!


No problem Brookhart, i will post some sketches/plans here for you in the next day or two including the two older designs i was telling you about and a few new ones ..... What range are you trying to cover? Mainly bass range for music?
MMJ - where are the existing 60l 100l / 120l Karflex from a couple of years back tuned? (sans port extension piece) TB46's little (~73l IIRC-?) Karlflex is tuned ~41Hz.

The final Karlflex revision (which i will post again for Brookhart) tuned to around 40hz but with the optional duct extender panel (internal) it would tune in the low 30s .... Mr. Mattcalf built one of these for a 15" driver not too long ago, we posted the photos and results in post #2031 and post #2015 ...
here's MMJ's transformer driven piezo schematic a bit larger. I don't have the dexterity anymore
(if ever) to put damping material behind the paper cone - is there an easy way where
things won't get damaged ?


Freddi, it is basically just a matter of finding your technique ... After getting the piezo horn apart I just look to the portion that contains the piezo bender and diaphragm and gently lift up the edge of the paper cone in order to push some fiber into the chamber (behind the cone) using a portion of a business card as a tool, and once you get it started it is easy to work your way around tucking the fiber in as you go..... I have stuffed countless piezos using that method :).

About that diagram: It is basically the same circuit that i am still using to drive my piezo arrays ...

I have been using the Edcor brand transformers now for a while and they do sound better than the cheap Chinese transformers i was using when driving 3 or 4 of these Piezos in parallel (if driving just s single Piezo the Chinese transformer is fine) .....

If wanted to drive more than four piezos on this Edcor transformer i would need to start wiring the piezos in series-parallel ......

If i wanted to drive more than 4 piezos (6 or 8 , or even 12 etc) but all needed to be in parallel because they must keep up with very high sensitivity horn loaded PA cabinets then you could employ multiple transformers if you really wanted to but that gets expensive so at this point i personally would probably just set up a simple 1st order high pass filter circuit consisting of a series capacitor followed by a parallel resistor in the 10ohm to 20ohm range followed by a 4 ohm series resistor (followed by the piezos) ..... The capacitor would be a non-polar polycap (or film or foil) type .... The resistors would be the wirewound ceramic block type power resistors .. .

The filter described above is just 1st order so it has a very gentle curve and can be set higher than you might think in order to contour and offset the curve of the piezos ..... If anyone wanted to try this i would recommend trying multiple capacitor values in order to get the piezo's tonal balance just right ....
Note about tuning

Ive got a shell, bottom back and sides with the following internal dimensions....43"w x 53"d x 24"h.

Looking for strong output to 20 hz low corner. With 1 or 2 18s.
Ive got
700w @ 4ohm
1350w @ 2ohm
2300w @ 1ohm
I can post a dirver specs if necessary.

Have you had your music analyzed to see how low it reaches down? Most energy in music doesn't reach down as far as people think , and a 32hz or even 35hz tuning is almost always sufficient even for the most modern music (unless you are listening to "rebassed" music) .. ........... The reason i bring this up is because needlessly low tunings sacrifice a tremendous amount of performance in the process, so it is a good policy to only tune as low as necessary, and no lower ......

I do have some friends that are experts in making high performance cabinet designs fit into the specific dimensions that car audio sometimes calls for ...... Is this a custom car audio install?? If so i can just put you in touch with my friends and they will sketch out a plan for you in 3D with cutsheets and all.....
Mainly looking for mid-low bass slam. I have an IB setup in my media room using two FI IB3 subs for really low bass. These would be high passed at about 25-30hz and low passed at about 120-140hz. Right now I have 4 Dayton PA460-8’s in ported boxes. There fine, but I always like to try different set ups!
hi MMJ - -r: Edcor - are you using their WS30 for arrays? - I have one 25V version but may have lost its mate. I do have the 15 watt model - would that do 3 1016 in parallel? Are the Chinese xformers adding harmonics ? - One Motorola KSN1016A driven off the 5W tap of Edcor's 15W/25V transformer gave ~103DB with 1uF highpass - 2.8v on the 8ohm "primary" and 1/4 of 1 percent distortion relative to 5029Hz sine wave input of 2.8v.

Parts Express $8 25/70v transformer has 8W and 16W taps - it looks to be maybe 2/3 the core size of Edcor's WS30.

even for home use it might be safer to wire piezo in series




An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.