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King Crimson - Discipline - Indiscipline

I do remember one thing.
It took hours and hours but..
By the time I was done with it

I was so involved
I didn't know what to think.
I carried it around with me for days and days..
Playing little games
Like not looking at it for a whole day
And then.. looking at it.
To see if I still liked it.
I did.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat..
The more I look at it

The more I like it.
I do think it's good.
The fact is..
No matter how closely I study it

No matter how I take it apart

No matter how I break it down

It remains consistant.
I wish you were here to see it.

I like it.
J.S. Bach
The Fifteen Three-Part Inventions
George Malcolm on Harpsichord
LP by Nonesuch Records

This is apparently the only version of these that is worth having. But wow, it is worth having!

I have even purchased a few extra vinyl copies, over the years (from eBay), that I have stored, just in case.

Still trying to find it on CD, for many years. I don't think it exists on a commercial CD. (But I sampled them all into WAV files and have made some CDs, for personal use.)

The fifteen two-part inventions are on the other side of the LP, by the way.
Genesis _ A Trick Of The Tail
Vinyl of course :p

(Wow. I bought that Genesis LP new in 1976 or 1977, I think, at Von's in West Lafayette, Indiana. I still have it right here. I listened to it a lot, back then, for several years.)

The Dave Brubeck Quartet
"Take Five" (1953)
from the "Time Out" reissue CD.
(This whole CD is quite wonderful stuff.)

Richard Strauss
"Also sprach Zarathustra"
Andre Previn, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
TELARC CD-80167, 1988