Official M2 schematic

This is one case that I am planing to use on the M2.
Still searching for 2SK170BL/2SJ74BL, most difficult, the 170/74 GR are available but not sure if we can use that. The step up tansformers will be coming in next week. Next is the 1530/201, these aren't easy neither, can get 1529/200 (only differ by 1, you think that can work?) or just go back to ifrp2940/940?
Third step is to plan the power supply, speaker protection, delay startup circuit...
The last and most important thing is the PCB, I am not good in that so just will have to wait.


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Joined 2009
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I hear last days the M2 with the Toshibas SK1530/SJ201.
For me it is a fascinating revival.....
The sound is a bit softer compared to FQA, but so incredible detailed and airy.
Part of the detailed and airy sound is for sure due to the Muse attenuator in front.
No pre, when I put in my UGS pre I loose as much as I get.
Of course this is only possible because the speakers are 96dB.

What I want to say buy the Toshibas for instance here...
Tech DIY Company Store
even if the parcel will be again on the way for 6 weeks and custom trouble and so on....

THX to Nelson who brought the Toshibas to my mind again!
I hear last days the M2 with the Toshibas SK1530/SJ201.
For me it is a fascinating revival.....
The sound is a bit softer compared to FQA, but so incredible detailed and airy.
Part of the detailed and airy sound is for sure due to the Muse attenuator in front.
No pre, when I put in my UGS pre I loose as much as I get.
Of course this is only possible because the speakers are 96dB.

What I want to say buy the Toshibas for instance here...
Tech DIY Company Store
even if the parcel will be again on the way for 6 weeks and custom trouble and so on....

THX to Nelson who brought the Toshibas to my mind again!

I've been thinking of doing a new attenuator with muse devices.
So are you happy to give it your stamp of approval?
Joined 2009
Paid Member

It always hits me when switching back from other solutions how good the Muse sounds.

You can do the programing by yourself…? here it is in the PIC12F

Here you see the circuit of a Japanese unbalanced kit only available over DIYaudio friends there…..

of course I bypassed the input caps and the OPA using only the naked Muse.


  • Muse Kit Schaltplan.jpg
    Muse Kit Schaltplan.jpg
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  • Values Muse controller.jpg
    Values Muse controller.jpg
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pico, check out thread by EUVL, "some other source follower configurations". There you will find taylor current source that can drive most anything within reason, or could just use complimentary jfet buffer.

Yeah I think I read that thread many years ago. Mostly Erno Borbely ideas if I remember correctly.
I have been considering all the options and also chatted a little bit with Nelson.
I might go with a paralleled pair of cascoded jfets in push pull configuration. Should be good to drive any crazily bizarre amplifier.
dont give up on the Taylor too quickly. It delivers comparable current to true push pull. Calvins is also nice. I suggested these two simply because of the difficulty and expense of P channel J fets. If you were to use a cascoded J310 or 309 in taylor, you would tons of drive current and low Zo....i think:)
dont give up on the Taylor too quickly. It delivers comparable current to true push pull. Calvins is also nice. I suggested these two simply because of the difficulty and expense of P channel J fets. If you were to use a cascoded J310 or 309 in taylor, you would tons of drive current and low Zo....i think:)

I'll have look at that again. I built the lu1014d buffer headphone amp with taylor.
I'll go back and refresh my memory.