Official M2 schematic

PayPal charges 2.99% + $0.30 in fees for sending money when you fund it with a credit card. If the transfer is international there may be also a difference caused by foreign exchange fees.
Most of the payments I have received so far are a little short. I'll communicate with those members about the difference.

Payment sent (total $45) please let me know if this is enough to cover the fees.
M2 frontend is sounding Mega Giga Super nice, as frontend for a headphone amp :)
I combined it with the upcoming DIY Headphone amp output stage and it's a keeper...
So I made a quick PCB, found some old Teko TK3710 RF-cases for shielding the Edcor's and the M2 Headphone amp is born :D

Strange....I always hated the combination of transformers and audio...but I was so wrong... CSX1, F6 and now M2 they all sound so nice.

Makes me wonder how the M2 sounds on my big loudspeakers... :eek:

You don´t have some gerber files for the pcb´s you wanna share?
How tall are the heatsinks,how much current are you using for the outputs?
So what is the bias current then? Would anyone care to measure?

Fired up my first channel. Runs at 1.33A.

Unfortunately I have a hard time to control the DC. Even after over an hour of heating it wanders about, sometimes as much as 100mV in half a minute.
Tried to catch it do it on my scope, sorry for the bad iq.

Both channels are are 50mV/Div and 0.5s/div, respectively.
Bottom trace is the ripple as seen on the positive rail. Top trace is output DC. At the left of the screen you see the DC move down and settle on a new level. The kink is where the beam refreshes.

Any idea what I am seeing there?


  • image1.JPG
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PayPal charges 2.99% + $0.30 in fees for sending money when you fund it with a credit card. If the transfer is international there may be also a difference caused by foreign exchange fees.
Most of the payments I have received so far are a little short. I'll communicate with those members about the difference.

Payment sent for one set of M2 boards including PayPal fee.

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Fired up my first channel. Runs at 1.33A.

Unfortunately I have a hard time to control the DC. Even after over an hour of heating it wanders about, sometimes as much as 100mV in half a minute.
Tried to catch it do it on my scope, sorry for the bad iq.

Both channels are are 50mV/Div and 0.5s/div, respectively.
Bottom trace is the ripple as seen on the positive rail. Top trace is output DC. At the left of the screen you see the DC move down and settle on a new level. The kink is where the beam refreshes.

Any idea what I am seeing there?

pictures , please

which pcb you're using ?