P10-hifi Alpair 7.3eN + SDX7eN WAW (aka FAST)

As enjoyable as I've read on the internet they might be, that sounds likes just a new name for a 3-way. No judgements, mates ...

Oops, is the wrong chat-room again? See what kind of trouble attempts at "relaxed mode" posting can get you - at least I wasn't prompted for my CC#!
Just to throw something out there, and because I have these drivers on hand, would one or two of these per side Dayton Audio DC160-8 6-1/2" Classic Woofer be a good match for any of the following: Alpair 10.2, CHP-70 gen 2, Alpair 7.2, or a CHN-70?
The Dayton DC-160s provide more bass than expected for a 6.5 inch woofer.
I also have a handful of different tweeters, bt that can wait for another discussion.
Sure. The Daytons are midWoofers. You'll chop off where they might have a problem. I'd suggest that the A7.x will be the best midTweeter of the lot.


Thanks Dave. I don't remember what the band is, but I remember reading there is a band at which speakers shouldn't be crossed. Do you know what that band might be?

Also, I have a pair of these: Dayton Audio RS225-8 8" Reference Woofer
Would they be a better match? They would obviously go lower. My thoughts about a tweeter are the Dayton RS28-A: Dayton Audio RS28A-4 1-1/8" Aluminum Dome Tweeter

Any input?

Thanks again,
With all but the chp-70's you probably won't need a tweeter. Could always add later.

Thanks Jimbro. That's kind of what I was thinking. If I build this, I'll play it by ear (pun intended) to see if I think a tweeter is necessary. My hearing isn't what it used to be, so that'll have a role in my decision.

Am I the only one, or do others have a "list" of speakers to build? As it stands right now I only have two or three, but whenever I read about an interesting set-up it gets the wheels rolling. Then I end up with several sets of speakers that just collect dust. Hmmmph. ;)
First world problem........
Joined 2001
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I neglected to post this picture of the matrix frame:

