Parasound JC3 Phono

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Take a look into its internal part. No need any complain about layout and section amp.
If any Diyers need to know its schematic please ask to Parasound directly, I can't share amy patent to public.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
The JC-3 is my first attempt to make an all IC phono preamp. I was specifically asked by Parasound to avoid using discrete jfets in this design, as they became VERY hard to purchase at the time of development of this design.
IF you want my VERY BEST, then you have to find a used Vendetta Research preamp, an Audible Illusions tube preamp with a GOLD Board in front (my design) or the new Constellation phono stage, ($19,000, to put things in perspective)
There is NO FREE LUNCH, although you might learn something from this design, just by looking at the pictures already posted. Note, EXTENSIVE RFI control, and quality power supplies, with an Rcore power transformer. Everything counts, including an ALUMINUM not steel chassis.
The internal circuitry might be 'disappointing' to many here, expecting more sophistication from me, as I put into the three previous examples. The IC's and the circuitry was developed to complement each other for their relative strengths and weaknesses. They work better in this configuration than they might, working alone as a phono stage, but this is the best that I know what to do with IC's only. Another, more elaborate design, like Bob Cordell's latest effort, might be better, I cannot say.
Note that 1 IC section is a servo so that the phono preamp has no coupling caps throughout. The large caps are Polystyrene Rel caps, like Vendetta, Constellation and Ayre use, for the same purposes. This is an important, and a relatively expensive addition to the design. Lots of luck, copying it. It should be relatively easy.
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