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PeeCeeBee V4 GB!

Thanks Staan. Alsof nice day's for you. I now see my autocorrect made a mess of my text. I am interested a long time but never had the guts to really make one myself.and this amp looks to me very interesting. I would like to order 2 pcb's. Any idea when the pcb's are send out. I'm eager to start. :) nice days from Holland.

PCB batch will be ordered after minimum 40 PCBs are booked. I guess it will happen first week of new year. You can expect the boards at your hand at the end of January. :)
GB4 List:

craydive - 6 PCBs + 12 MOSFETs - PM sent
hajj - 2 PCBs - PM sent
Surfatwork - 2 PCBs - PAID
NealJ - 2 PCBs - PAID
helfred - 2 PCBs - PAID
keesraats - 2 PCBs - PAID
Assesears - 2 PCBs + 4 MOSFETs - Invoice sent
phildas - 2 PCBs + 4 MOSFETs - Invoice sent
GB4 update:

craydive - 6 PCBs + 12 MOSFETs - PAID
Surfatwork - 2 PCBs - PAID
NealJ - 2 PCBs +4 MOSFETS - PAID
helfred - 2 PCBs - PAID
keesraats - 2 PCBs - PAID
Assesears - 2 PCBs + 4 MOSFETs - PAID
phildas - 2 PCBs + 4 MOSFETs - Invoice sent
hajj - 2 PCBs - PM sent

So far there has been payment for 16 V4 Rev2 PCBs in this GB. Anyways I'm placing the batch order for 40 PCBs on this Monday 8 January so that any future member can have a pair or two, in or outside GB. :)
Sorry for the recent silence. Have been busy with this sucker. A proper 300W 5R load. And got the following 1KHz 10W THD spectrum out of it.

V4H GB will go online next week. :)


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  • v4h 1khz 10wrms 5r.png
    v4h 1khz 10wrms 5r.png
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