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PeeCeeBee V4 GB!

Hello Shaan
here is my interpretation of your Peeceebee V4
2x24v 250va and 70000µF for each I know it's too much but I had them in the drawers!
it is true that the mod rev1 lacked bass but it had a beautiful sound image, silky and nervous at the same time
the rev2 with 47p, 220p is better it has lost nothing of its silky nervous image but with the bass and more in the face;) it's good and also a little too much for my ears, for my taste.
on your advice today I change 68p, 330p and I will listen like this while expecting new 47p, 220p of good cality mica to make the difference, but anyway I am happy with this new amp, even at low volune it loses nothing of its musical quality that's what I ask for a good amp
thank you Mr. Shaan, see you soon

My pleasure. It makes me very happy to know you liked V4's sonics. :cloud9:

:))) I don't know how to take pictures

On your behalf. Hope you don't mind. The build is simply extraordinary! Do send me more pictures via facebook in case you're still facing problem uploading them.


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