Pet pieves... words that you can never spell correctly

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sur... shour... shore.. that's easy for u to say!

phemonenoalogcial amonaly... errr

chronopotentiometr... don't watn to extarpulate hear

hehe... there's a term for preterm labor called Braxton/Hicks contractions...

wife had a patient come in saying "i got them brackets and hinges contraptions in my eucharist"...:clown: :devilr:

john l
thought of 2 more

apature.. or is that aperatur (I hate the way Google, sarcastically, says "did you mean "Aperture""... you just know there's some sniveling little guy snickering as he types that in...:D

when I was building inkjet printheads back in the early '80's, all the higher ups used to talk about "apateur orifice plate holes"... hehehe

And it's great when you get all those Google 'hits' for the mis-spelled version as well... HA! :whazzat:

or how about "onomotopoeia"..nevre can get those last vowells in the rite order

KBK said:
A word every teenager shood know how to spell kerectlee: Lysergic Acid Dylithamide.

or was that Tetrahydracannabinol?

Actually... it's "tetrahydrocannabinol"

or was that "psilocybin".. or , perhaps... "gammahydoxybutyrate".. aka "Ectasy"

don't tease us chemist types... we KNOW what it's all about....

on to others "chronoamperometry"... "electrophoresis"... "chemoluminescense" ... I could go on forever...
Joined 2005

I hate how both pronunciations are technically correct. The "r" is in there for a reason...

On a local radio station they have a spelling bee every morning and one morning the word was "franchise". One guy that phoned in spelled it "franctice". They now use the sound clip of him spelling it incorrectly as their intro to the spelling bee every morning :)
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