Pictures of your diy Pass amplifier


I present to you the PASS ALEPH Mini 2x15W that I built to celebrate the coming 10 years of the circuit.

It is built in double mono in CLRC (22KuF + 3.9mH + 0.47R + 22KuF) under 20v loaded with 1A of bias. The mosfets are IRF9620 and IFR250. I have sorted and paired all the components.



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The boards are from Ali but not the components. :)

A few more photos.
Below, there is a softstart. The most off-putting is the sort of mosfet. I also burned several IRF9620 (Q1). The amp does not support plugging or unplugging an RCA cable when it is powered on. Errors during test. When Q1 burnt, we got 20vDC at speaker output. Need of a secure and high voltage speaker protection module. The white Chinese module directly burnt with 20v.



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> The chassis is a very nice work from french audiophonics shiped from china.

So now they are openly importing and selling copied Pass cases in the EU !!!


Yes, as i wrote, its an insulting nice copy ;)
But what i like more and is more important to me then the front-appearence and the PASS-lookalike, it is the metallwork and the heatsinks. This clone is how a chassis should look like for such pricerange. I am sorry to say but this "italian deal" is a no deal for me.
@elven ears,

Amazing build and execution, I love the custom organization of your wirings and custom extrusions you placed on the heatsink for the F5 boards. Beautiful work.

My build is much more rudimentary but I do use an 800VA Toroidy with (4) 20V secondaries for ease of wiring and nearly a dual mono setup.



congrats to this beautyfull amp, lots of nice goodies build in. I need to check these neurochrome parts - interesting. The J Boards look very nice!
Oh allmost forgot: VERY nice transformer !! Did you import this from Poland?

Good job on the cables!

congrats to this beautyfull amp, lots of nice goodies build in. I need to check these neurochrome parts - interesting. The J Boards look very nice!
Oh allmost forgot: VERY nice transformer !! Did you import this from Poland?

Good job on the cables!


Yes, the Toroidy is from Poland. It's an 800VA with quad 20V secondaries. A little expensive (~ 250 euros) but silent as a mouse.

Neurochrome Guardian-86 gives me insurance, and it does not affect the sonics and it does not affect the THD/IMD measurements at all. So it's a win, win for me. The THAT::RX Mono receiver board (discontinued) uses the THAT1200 chip and is very transparent sounding, better than amorphous core Lundahl transformers in my experience. Other options include AMB α24, XRK's BTSB board which can provide gain too if needed. Neurochrome also sells the universal buffer board which is very similar but also extremely transparent to boot (as his measurements show). All are excellent honestly for Pass related projects. As diy'ers, we can pick and choose based on budget, build quality, etc...our amps will always be the best! Hooray!

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I present to you the PASS ALEPH Mini 2x15W that I built to celebrate the coming 10 years of the circuit.

It is built in double mono in CLRC (22KuF + 3.9mH + 0.47R + 22KuF) under 20v loaded with 1A of bias. The mosfets are IRF9620 and IFR250. I have sorted and paired all the components.


Aleph Mini-Monstre :D
Superbe ! :cheers:
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I'm never taking as bad behavior when I see member here and, say it bluntly - Passlover - bought some PL or FW knock-off

I understand level of passion and pride when having something as Papa made it

Vendors selling those cases - they're thieves

Passlover are kids - impossible to resist temptation as that

What I also have problem with is ( even if Pa is saying that he doesn't mind and it is enough to prevent commercial CopyCats if he doesn't confirm level of schematic authenticity) , sporadic guesses in public of his still actual products, or products for which he still didn't publish schematic

eat my liver, I don't care - is it amp or preamp or can amp/preamp .......... make publicly something different enough, Kudos to Pa and Wayne, and all Laurels are yours

fact is - we are sort of tight Community - everything we want to know (regarding exact Papa's schematics) is already known ........

we don't want to have here what several Forums skittered around the world are having - selling PL knock-off kits in tons ..... and they are not all in East (as many would think) - they are Eu based forums too ...... and these are worst

so, in short - I can't see reason why elvenears should be ashamed - he bought what can be bought, and earned right to post it here with own hard work
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Mr. Pass and we the enthusiasts

Thank you Zen for puting this situation up.
I feel as to have to say in this moment, wich will be a few more pages into this forum forgotten, nevertheless it is sayd now again as so often in this forum, a standpoint and make clear that i keep the flag high and waving in the wind, that copyright infringments, and sellingoff protected ideas of a mans lifework is not to be condoned.

I take the responsebility in posting this image.
To my defence it shal be noted that on this chassis-topic i feel no shame as it is a clear desicion to help a friend out building his amp, his choise of metalwork was respectable, and his understanding of morals indisputable - i like to make this clear. The idea that is was a clone has scatched our minds a tidbit, wondering why this chassis is on "europes biggest diyaudio marked" openly avaiable for many years. It is wellbuild, it is reasonable prised and it fitts the idea of concept of quality.

I also want to get out of the defensive position and will freely admit that non-asian chassis, such as what is promoted by, is, to put blunlty, a rippoff. - Quality vs pricetag. Hence the tendency of many diy-audioholics to get what is avaiable on the maket. And the market is china. Its not EU, its not US - Its china. And it is not chinas fault, its the fault of those US/EU sitting too long on their fat a... selling crap for overprised tags.

If the powersupplys filtercapacitance in my amp is rated for 500 US$ alone, cus i want to push the envelope, i cant see a "Deluxe 5U Aluminum 400$" in my livingroom. Dont get me wrong, the chassis are ok, they are god diy chassis. So why pay 400$ for a volkswagen if you will get a porsche for the same money?
I think i made my point clear. And i am done with this.
But this is just my perception.

I forgot:
Mr. Pass, you'r the man. Archangel of the Amp-Heaven. My wife loves the F5T, my daughter and my son also. This made them come closer to music.
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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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My opinion is that Modushop products are great for the money, bought direct

I did made my own chassis from scratch, I did made them paying for custom made elements, I bought them from Modushop ....... so have experience with all final prices and ranges of quality

in short - you can hardly buy better chassis for money in EU, or Eu, whatever
Joined 2008
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F5 Squished

Continuing the chassis discussion, I shrunk my F5’s footprint from the Deluxe 4U, effectively creating a Mini Dissipante 4U. It all fits fine! Much better use of space for me.

I ordered custom front and back panels from ModuShop with Gianluca’s excellent support.

I am very pleased. This is a fabulous-sounding stable of Pass amps. :cheers:


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