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Power Amp PSU Board (for e.g. LYNX Amp)

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Tack, Bo and thanks you guys.

It takes actually quite some time to administrate approx. 70 letters but to recieve money takes weeks although for 90% it takes only 2-3 days.

I'm glad you like the boards and I'll hope you will use them also. I don't mind pictures :nod:

It was fun to make this board because I haven't made a board in two years privately and one year at work.... that board was rather cool, 475 A, 4 x 140 um copper.
Hi all,

Is this type of choke coil from stripped down CNC Lathe machine suitable for SS power amp?


  • choke coil 1.jpg
    choke coil 1.jpg
    63.4 KB · Views: 554
It may be worth mentioning that the heatsinks should be mounted approx. 1 mm above the pcb surface because the are "live" and the groundplane may have an another potential.

Mount the diode at the heatsink

Put a cardboard or something between the heatsink and the pcb.

Solder the heatsink. It's enough to solder with only a tin drop for starter if you of some reason want the remove the heatsink.

Solder the diode.

Remove the cardboard.
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