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Power Amp PSU Board (for e.g. LYNX Amp)

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Board shape

I think the three to five watt resistors is plenty.
I think the board layout is nice. Does the final version accommodate four or six 40mm caps?
As far as the layout, I could go either way. Although I would kind of prefer a squarish board so it will utilize the center of the chassis next to the toroid more efficiently. A long board would probably work also, but would be less efficient in terms of space utilization.
Hi Jan.

Board shape is not really an issue for me, as I said my amps are usually large anyway.

I will be happy what ever shape you make it, circuit is more important for me. Incorporate all ideas mentioned so far and you will have a universal psu board suitable for all amps talked about here on diyAudio forum.


OK, time for all the myriad of amp builders out there who need an elegant solution to their power supply needs to show their interest here.

Using a board like this will tidy up their chasis designs by getting rid of a lot of unsightly wiring, apart from saving time and effort drilling holes to mount caps, diode bridges etc..

Let Jan know how many boards he should look at getting built by registering your interest in this thread. This is a great design to have some spares on hand for the next amp that will always come along. More boards ordered, the cheaper they will be.

I am in for at least 10 PSU boards.

Hope you don't mind the plug for you Jan as you are doing everyone a favour here as far as I can see.


ACD said:
First try to make a long narrow PCB (only silk screen shown as no tracks have been routed)
Size: 350x90mm :bigeyes:

Next to try is a wider and shorter board ;)

Thats a long board. Could easily spell trouble, fitting two of those in a chassis, leaving room for trafo's in one end, and other stuff in the other... But its pretty slim at 90mm's

How about taking the big caps out and put them on the side on a PCB evt 1 "sliced" PCB wih big caps on one side and the rest on the other side that would reduce the length to half but make it double wide with possibility to stack PCB's if necessary.
And then make some easy way to connect PCB's if splitted up in two pieces.
Just a Thought.

My personal opinion... The best thing to do at this point is to build what you think is good. Any minor "improvements" at this stage are entirely subjective... Plenty of arguments for skinny or fat, etc... Maximum happiness will result from more building and less squabbling.

The board looks excellent as you have presented it and it will meet the requirements of 90% of all DIY builders. Everyone has personal motivations for one particular item or another, but at the end of the day, all we need is a place to mount a bank of caps and 4 diodes... the rest is details.

Just my two cents as a novice constructor. (I know I'm missing a few points)

I was just thinking that maybe the PSU board could be split in half so it could be stacked on each other with standoffs. That way we could still have all of the features you included, while taking up less space.
Do you think something like that is doable?
I saw another user on here do something like that with his power supply and output board.
Just trying to come up with a creative solution so that it will work out.
Thanks for your inputs :)

I have just made a quick layout to see the app. size of layout.
Overall size will the be app. 19x18cm if not stacked.
If stacked it will de 19x9cm.
Please note that interconnection are not added yet, as this was just a test.......

Please comment ;)


  • universal psu stack pcb test.pdf
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