Primary Drive Loudspeaker by Tim de Paravicini

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The inventor of the Direct Drive speaker was Brian Mitchell.
Great information, I was able to finally find the patent application now.
Loudspeaker - Google Patent Search

Click the link above, looks like it is a semi-rigid membrane/diaphragm perhaps honeycomb and they capture the back wave in a shallow enclosure.

Here are a couple more odd ones.

Podium Sound
6moons audio reviews: Podium Sound Model 1

................more Podium Sound:
6moons audio reviews: Podium Sound Model 1

Manger Sound Transducer
Manger - Precision in Sound
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Commercial Series CT10 | Sonance
The CT10 is a unique, extended bandwidth, wide dispersion planar loudspeaker designed for use in commercial installations.

I wonder how rigid the diaphragm is.

This guy takes apart ear-buds and headphones, very interesting.
How headphones work: A simple introduction from Explain that Stuff!
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An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
I think that I've found another similar technology.

Analysis of unique loudspeaker driver possible only with multiphysics modeling - COMSOL
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Figure 1: When placed on a panel such as a wall, mirror or dashboard, a Gel Audio™ transducer turns that surface into a loudspeaker with good frequency response across the audio range.

I'm gel'n.:)

Gel as the interface

Our speaker technology is quite unique: users mount a GA transducer in permanent contact with a panel without being bonded to it, such as with two-sided adhesive tape. The transducer’s magnet and coil receive analog audio signals from an amplifier, and the gel acts as an intermediary material that transfers the acoustic waves to the panel. Being as small as 11 x 16 x 2.5 mm, the result is a “speaker” with good high-frequency response with the added advantage of also generating very good bass response without the need for a large speaker box.
oops.. #25 continuing: 70th, in the ussr, some audioengineers gave the party bosses "talking portraits" with similar driver:D with comsol optimised silicjne support sound must be better, but with noncomsoloptimised dashboard\portrait\etc the result doesn't seems hi-fi..
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but what is sensitivity and freq. resp.of this?
I'm just fooling around and have no idea what numbers I'll end up with.

about mylar tension (this is billboard construction section, the same concept):
Nice, thank you.

Looks fixed at the bottom bar with a tensioning bar/rod at the top. This would indicate that the sides are not secured, or at least cross tensioned in three dimensions.

I want to end up with a method to tension a curved/complex shape similar to an animal skin shield.

Image link:
Getty Images - Unsupported browser detected

Zulu 45cm complete shield
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Just want to update the last thoughts with a new find.

TDK to Launch Surround Speaker System Using GMM

Nov 21, 2006 16:27 Satoshi Ookubo, Nikkei Electronics
TDK to Launch Surround Speaker System Using GMM -- Tech-On!
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By vibrating a rigid panel with a GMM, the speaker creates a 360-degree acoustic field around it,
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

These photos give it scale, they are tiny speakers.
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I have been searching today, for some discussion about them Primary Drive Loudspeaker Concept 1 (the small one's) ... ! That's because i actually listened to them today at electro-days 2010, in Odense Denmark.

I must say, that i am very thrilled by the sound of them :)
- In fact i think it's the best speaker i ever listened to !

I was talking with a Swedish guy, who was representing the company, and he told me, that there was a sort of a "membrane" build in the speaker, just as the discussion goes about here, i wish, that the price was lower through, i cannot effort buying a' 7000Eure set of speaker's :(

It's an openBaffle speaker, looking nothing special at first glance... but but but... the sound of it ... damn i wish i could build a set of them... I really think this i the future into loudspeaker !

... I really think this i the future into loudspeaker !


Hello Jesper,

in comparison with some real elaborated
bending wave loudspeaker designs , it will get
really hard for conventional pistonic loudspeakers
to compete.

But there are only few real fullrange bending wave
loudspeakers ...

May i ask you to describe the specific differences,
that you have noticed compared to loudspeakers
you knew so far ?

Kind Regards
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