Rockin' the KaZba Dipole (K aperture Z-baffle Dipole)

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Joined 2012
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Spent some time running some tunes through it today with it pulled off the wall 6'. Thanks for the reminder. Everything from Sia's Cheap Thrills to Willy Nelson's Summertime was pure goodness. Also, played with rear baffles changing from the open slitted to sealed. Probably does sound better and more natural with the open one.

6ft is plenty of (almost ideal) space and 4ft can work even. Glad that it sounds good open to you. KazBa is definitely a nice sounding OB design with a bit more bass than the usual OB.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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No, it's not the usual high Qts that you want in a true OB, as the K aperture provides a slot loading of the cone you actually want a moderate Qts so that the motor has enough power to drive the slot loading. I have had good luck with RS225-8 and those are about Qts of 0.38 I think. I was surprised myself how deep it could go. So don't discount a moderately lower Qts driver.
No, it's not the usual high Qts that you want in a true OB, as the K aperture provides a slot loading of the cone you actually want a moderate Qts so that the motor has enough power to drive the slot loading. I have had good luck with RS225-8 and those are about Qts of 0.38 I think. I was surprised myself how deep it could go. So don't discount a moderately lower Qts driver.

That's what I was thinking X. I just built one Z frame and installed 2 GRS 12PF's, which have a Qts of 1.54. It sounds very promising without the wings. So, I may not even try to add the wings.
I've had a P-Audio 15cx with qts of 0.38 on a flat 20"x30" baffle and enjoyed its bass - plenty for my taste plus excursion control was good as the motor didn't let things overshoot. My H baffle with Goldwood G1858 has a Qt slightly greater than one and probably a bit phat sounding for classical music. That Goldwood is nice as moving mass is reasonable and the suspension limits physical overshoot on transients - 1858 used to be about $60 each - are too pricey today for something cranked out in China with a small motor.
My internal cabinet dimensions are 16" x 14" x 26". Baffle is 20 deg. I did 3 measurements from the center height, 3 ft.(blue), 1.5 ft.(orange) and edge of the cabinet (magenta).


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I've had a P-Audio 15cx with qts of 0.38 on a flat 20"x30" baffle and enjoyed its bass - plenty for my taste plus excursion control was good as the motor didn't let things overshoot. My H baffle with Goldwood G1858 has a Qt slightly greater than one and probably a bit phat sounding for classical music. That Goldwood is nice as moving mass is reasonable and the suspension limits physical overshoot on transients - 1858 used to be about $60 each - are too pricey today for something cranked out in China with a small motor.

I ordered a 15" Titan qt of 1.2 to compare on a flat baffle with the PRV which is only .62. I was quite pleased with the PRV flat baffle up close. It was nice. Have to see how it compares. The Kazba is nice. I'm a bit confused as to what direction to go. Get large drivers with qt around .4 amd try to get the most out of it or employ a monopole for the 20-40hz region. The other drawback on the Kazba is it's a lot easier to have two flat baffles, one above and one below a mini line array than it is two Kazba's which is the direction I want to go. The dipole sound is nice though. Anyone have an extra Acoustic Elegance dipole they want to loan for testing, ha, ha!
My internal cabinet dimensions are 16" x 14" x 26". Baffle is 20 deg. I did 3 measurements from the center height, 3 ft.(blue), 1.5 ft.(orange) and edge of the cabinet (magenta).

Can you explain this graph to a layman like me? To an amateur it looks like it gets quiet fast. Not disputing the excellent results just trying to understand what it means and how to maximize my PRV's at .62.
Got the 1.16 qt Titan in a 3/4" thick cardboard farm sink package I had laying around for a test. It wasn't ideal but the size was good and it has 12" deep sides. I had a feeling this wasn't going to be a fair fight and it wasn't. The Kazba is noticeably more palpable. I'll leave it to you guys to determine what the measurement is on that. I could probably live pretty happily without a subwoofer with the Kazba if I had to.
Hello. Here is a driver I found locally. Is it a good candidate for KaZba? Also, I have a small room so the speakers will have to be placed close to a wall. Should I seal the back? Or if any of you guys can point me to a thread here that shows a design to work with this driver, I'd also appreciate it very much.

Anyway here's the spec:
Nominal Diameter 6 inch
Nominal Impedance 8 ohm
Cone material Paper
Edge Foam
Maximum Power 60 watt
Magnet Weight 10 Oz
Frequency Response 56 Hz - 10 KHz
Sensitivity 1 M / 1 W 88 dB
Voice Coil Diameter 1 inch / 2.54 cm
Resonance Frequency Fs 56 Hz
DC resistance Re 5.1 ohm
Mechanical Factor Qms 2.92
Electical Factor Qes 0.74
Total Factor Qts 0.59
BL Factor BL 4.6 N/A
Effective moving mass Mms 8.6 Gram
Equivalent cas air load Vas 17.8 Liter
Effective Piston Area Sd 116.9 Cm2
Voice Coil Inductance Le 0.29 mH
Half space efficiency Eff 0.47 %
6in is too small for effective bass with Kazba as it is an open baffle type dipole speaker. The parameters look good for a MLTL or a Karlsonator.

I see. It can be an MLTL also, then I put my mini-K on top of it. Would you be available to draw up some plans, or can I go about calculating my own? Sorry I don't have a simulation/enclosure calculator software :confused:

2x6" in a 7.5x9.5 feet room, will that suffice? Also this room being small, probably not ideal for dipole, right? I kinda like the KaZba design but would want to do a match for my room and system.

Thank you X.
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Hi X, here's another driver. Might work, don't you think?

Nominal Diameter 8 inch
Nominal Impedance 8 ohm
Cone material Paper
Edge Foam
Maximum Power 100 watt
Magnet Weight 7.75 Oz
Frequency Response 41 Hz - 10.4 KHz
Sensitivity 1 M / 1 W 88 dB
Voice Coil Diameter 1 inch / 2.54 cm

Resonance Frequency Fs 41 Hz
DC resistance Re 5.6 ohm
Mechanical Factor Qms 5.05
Electical Factor Qes 1.40
Total Factor Qts 1.1
BL Factor BL 4.4 N/A
Effective moving mass Mms 17.5 Gram
Equivalent cas air load Vas 38.6 Liter
Effective Piston Area Sd 196 Cm2