Room treatment - Full Range Line Array / REW measurement

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Had a listen to your mov file at listening position and 25cm.

The recording at 25cm is clipping. Make sure you stay out of the red when you record.

BTW, what did you use to record? Mic and software...

The recording at listening position, I hear a lot of reflections. That's what is causing those dips and peaks.

Next step is to add furniture to your room. I don't know what's there already, but I can hear you have a lot of bare walls, ceiling and floor!

Start adding couches, sofas, bookshelves, carpet, lamps, hanging decorations on the walls (some acoustic panels can be hidden into pictures on the walls), bass traps in the corners, all in good taste and following family's constraints (like I do not know if that is your "man-cave" or does it have to reach a certain level of WAF.

Adding those will have an enormous effect on your room's acoustics, and it will also lessen those dips and peaks you see now.

It's never over. is it? ;)
It will never be over ;)

Room acoustics are present on the recording, any tips to make good SQ audio recordings are welcome :)
I am recording using Quicktime with the miniDSP UMIK. The recording where the mic is close to the left array is better than from listening position, however not "true" to in-room perception.
I adjusted volume on the fly to minimise clipping.

As for furniture goes the room have what it is gonna get, however I am going to try deadening the room by adding absorption panels covering 1.reflections and possible diffusion in rear of the room.
The HT-room is mine to decorate so I can more or less do anything I want :p

First priority now however is to get solid data out of REW.... :smash:
REW will always give you what you got.

Try Audacity for recording. It is free and a pretty good little piece of software.
Always make sure you stay out of the red, so check your recording levels, especially with the loudest parts, and adjust to stay away from the edge of the bandwidth.

Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder

Room acoustics sound like this (this is a video I like to share as it really shows how important it can be!):

Acoustic panels effect: Cheap room treatment - YouTube

It is very easy to make your own panels (especially for a guy who just cut 40 holes into a baffle!) Using Rockwool of fiberglass panels. Don't bother with the egg crate looking foam, it's pretty useless compared to fiberglass or that Rockwool stuff.

Here's another video showing what real panels should do for you:

And those panels need not be boring stuff on the walls or ceiling!
Audacity froze on my MB so no go there yet.

I researched a fair bit for DIY-sound treatment when I was building my HT-room and I have seen most of the ones you linked to earlier, a lot of good stuff out there indeed :)
Rockwool covered with fabric will probably be tried for 1.reflections, 2" thick with an inch behind with air. 2" will have limited LF absorption though but corner traps are viable for sure. The entire room have soffits 8x12" which could be utilized as corner traps also. However not sure how to use them best, fill them up with insulation and have fabric covered slots perhaps...
Spending a little time with the meat-files and have startet to look at impulse/waterfall in preparation of sound treaten the room.

Impulse graph show a few spikes and I will resort to the string method for determining location and size. Corner traps will be utilised throughout.
The projection canvas is mounted to a 3" wooden frame and is acousticly transparent. It hang about 1" off the wall so I can fill inn roughly 4pcs of 2x4` Rockwool in it and it will be hidden completely from view.

As far as waterfall data, I understand the goal is to have a smooth "mountain face" - correct?
Ambient sound level is around 43dB.


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This is the broad scheme of things: Rockwool as medium through out (easily sourced)
(Current Fullrange Line Arrays not showing but not relevant at the point)

Yellow - Corner traps 18-24" wide (depending on estetique) running full height.
Red - Corner traps ceiling, 8" high 14-16" wide.
The soffits themselves could be used as LF traps with slotted surfaces/covered in cloth with rockwool inside. This could remove the need for the red traps.
Blue - 2-4" panels with 1" clearance. Might be given angled clearance to wall/ceiling. Placement dictated by reflection points.


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Lots more work ahead, but it will surely become a very nice room for music and movies!

Certainly hope so, most of the work is behind me as this room was totally naked to begin with :)
8pcs 24x48x3" Rockwool purchased today along with 9rolls of 10ft of coloured cloth (Black / Dark Blue / Purple) for covering soffits and Rockwool corner traps and panels. Gonna experiement a little with the RW before purchasing more :)
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