Sanwu TDA7492P + Bluetooth 2.1

Yes, i did, no "visible" change. Distortion is mainly generated from inductor saturation and filter configuration.

Even with the fixed output filter, the BT chip / link quality is dominating the sound, which is SBC at best.


if you can see signal deformation already on the scope, you'll here hear it for sure. Distortion levels under 1% are hard/not to see.

I wouldn't recommend this board, even with modifications, the BT module is limiting the performance. The CSR based boards are a better choice, especially as they can be reprogrammed.

Which CSR board? Need a recommendation. TPA3110 3116 or 3118 or other. I have high efficiency speakers so low power is OK.

Any idea which specific board on Ebay or other place? I have read enough here to know that there can be a wide diff in quality due to fake and/or cheap components, poor design, etc. Eg., I read on your site the mod's you did to a couple cheap boards. How does the Allo Volt + board compare in sound to the 3110/3116/3118 boards? Is the extra cost ($40 now) of the Volt worth it? Thanks for your advice.
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Any idea which specific board on Ebay or other place? I have read enough here to know that there can be a wide diff in quality due to fake and/or cheap components, poor design, etc. Eg., I read on your site the mod's you did to a couple cheap boards. How does the Allo Volt + board compare in sound to the 3110/3116/3118 boards? Is the extra cost ($40 now) of the Volt worth it? Thanks for your advice.
Doctormord, I would prefer a board that has USB input. I don't care much for the Bluetooth <-- am I mistaken that this is noisier? I know I'm mixing up a few things as the Volt does not have USB in. I asked "which CSR board?" only out of curiousity. CSR, BT is not my priority. What I would prefer is a clean sounding TPA3110/3116/3118 board with USB in, or ... a similar TDA board if the sound is good. The reason why I asked you/here is the posting about the TDA7492P board which you said has USB in, but I also saw in the end even after your mod's you were not recommending it. Is that right?
Maybe I should break this out into my own thread so as not to hijack this one.
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Hey, even I have the same amplifier board. My question is, can I tap the audio inputs being applied to TDA7492 chip from the BT chip? So that I can use these signals as inputs to some other amps. I have an other power amp. But it is not connected with the Bluetooth. So I want to make that to work as a Bluetooth audio amp.
I'm new to these audio stuffs so please help me.