SB Acoustics SB23NRXS45-8 MLTL?

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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Ha ha, good question!

Since it was me who started this thread, maybe I should answer.

When I built the new mltl cabs for my Seas speakers I was amazed by the quality and amount of bass.
These were in my secondary system.

But I have a lot on my plate at the moment.
I built some mini karlsonators with some Dayton ND90, that didn't turn out to well.
I have a pair of Alpair 12, that I'm trying out.
And I pulled out some Vifa C20 WJ from a pair of old Dali's that I am experimenting with.
And these old Vifa's have some of the midrange I have experienced.
I have on order some Seos 8 waveguides for dome tweeters that I will experiment with.
At the same time I really would like a set of mid sized, high quality speakers for my main system.

Not an easy task.

Maybe if the Vifa/waveguide combo turns out well, I go all in and build a dual SB23 mltl as bottoms for a really large 3 Way...

My wife will not be happy, but maybe that is the only way to go?:D

Were the mini K'nators with ND90 built from scaling factors that I suggested? It is a rather sensitivity driver but has a lot of xmax. I would have suggested doubling it up in the appropriate size box to get more sensitivity.
Yes, I have dual woofers. While the Dayton's sound sweet enough, and have impressive x-max, the high excursion capabilities is quickly being eaten up by the low sensetivity.

At relativly low listening levels there is a good amount of bass, but just when fun bit starts, they start farting out...

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