Seas A26 Devore Style Build

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Joined 2001
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How would that 70L box work with original A25 woofers and tweeter?

Sealed box is very size tolerant once you get to a certain size. I have not seen T/S for the original woofer, and it will have aged so driver-to-driver variance will be fairly large.

It should be a very safe load, perhaps a bit smaller than optimum, but should be a decidely better box for the drivers. A much better executed box build does not hurt at all either.

Do take the metal grill off the tweeters, and do the XO upgrade. A coat of PuzzleKoat on the A25/26 should also be considered.


Note: on my give-away shelf is a pair of A25XL woofers that need the tinsel leads attached to a new terminal block. I am pretty sure they are fine otherwize. One of the tweeters may have survived.
Thanks Dave... I like my Dynaco A25 a lot. One of my best setups was those above 18" HFrames. They had a mojo going on that I couldn't explain. Others agreed. I've used my woofers open baffle as well with EPI gold rings. Was actually not bad given the absolute zero attention paid to modding the XO. Wonder what could have become of that setup with a bit more attention. I am sure the HF wasn't ideal. That woofer tho... still miss it.

This giveaway shelf you speak of... What's that all about? Lol
The tuning of the cabinet essentially follows the concept of the A35 but puts it into a floorstander to extend the baffle to the floor and, because it is relatively shallow, to provide some reduction in baffle step loss in the bass. Remember that the Dynaco designs were usually placed on the floor in their day.

Basically it is a large closed box divided into two chambers with a resistive load between them. The top section is aperiodic reducing the Q of the overall system.

You'll need some method of providing the resistive covering to the opening between the two chambers. You can make a sock filled with fibreglass, as in the Dynaco design, or I still have some of the filter foam I used to good effect if you want to PM me.

@Peter and Dave

How was the size/volume of the aperiodic enclosure and the sealed enclosure calculated in WD25T? I was thinking of a build with a large dome tweeter with excellent off axis response (such as Bliesma T34A), and a low crossover frequency (around 1.3 kHz)
Others here know far more than I - but - one distinguishing characteristic of the Seas woofer under discussion here is that it sort of "crosses itself over" with declining output with increased frequency, and has no extreme cone breakup at those upper frequencies. The higher frequency response of that Wavecor looks like a horror show unless you put in a very aggressive, complex, crossover, which starts getting away from the sort-of-phased-driver simplicity that the Seas allows.
This planset has gotten far enuff for early release, there is still some work unfinished but some feedback & QC would be useful.

A thank you to the member (wishes to remain anonymous) who stepped up and pushed this project to the top of the queue.

First off, wow, thanks a ton for the work that you do Dave. It's a huge resource for someone like myself who is trying to understand and learn about this great hobby. And thanks to the nameless person who helped provide the motivation to get these plans out there for free!

Could you, or someone else explain, or point me in the direction of some documentation that explains the benefits of using the golden ratio to offset the 10" in the large sealed enclosure?

I've got a friend that wants me to build a set of cabinets for the A-26 kit and he really wants the larger Devore style cabinets but the offset drivers are a deal breaker for him.

What would I be giving up by centering the 10" with mirrored offset tweeters?

He insists on having the 10" centered on the front baffle. I might try and convince him to just let me build the original design to start with and build a set of the larger cabinets for myself and we can compare the two, maybe a little A/B listening test.

If I do decide to go forward with building the larger cabinets, any idea of where to start with stuffing? Materials, amount and placement?

Again thanks a ton for these plans!
Joined 2001
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that explains the benefits of using the golden ratio to offset the 10" in the large sealed enclosure?

The different distances from the edges spreads the edge diffraction/BS ripple out with lower magnitude. The use of an irrational number helps that.It does not need to be 1.618...

It is also for the aesthetics and mirror imaged pairs. I particualrily like how the placement looks.

In the case of this box, it also makes placing 3 vertical braces feasible.

But it is not written in stone. If you put the woofer in the centre, then you will need to push the width out 12mm (with the 18mm build material) and add a forth vertical brace.

You would be exchanging cosmetics for a bigger issue as the baffle vertical edges are now equal distance from the woofer. Is the tweeter still offset? A touch more material, and a bit wider box. No longer an exact CGR without a lot of fiddling. But sealed (at this size) is not overly critical as to volume which makes it easier if you aren’t anal.

The different distances from the edges spreads the edge diffraction/BS ripple out with lower magnitude. The use of an irrational number helps that.It does not need to be 1.618...

It is also for the aesthetics and mirror imaged pairs. I particualrily like how the placement looks.

In the case of this box, it also makes placing 3 vertical braces feasible.

But it is not written in stone. If you put the woofer in the centre, then you will need to push the width out 12mm (with the 18mm build material) and add a forth vertical brace.

You would be exchanging cosmetics for a bigger issue as the baffle vertical edges are now equal distance from the woofer. Is the tweeter still offset? A touch more material, and a bit wider box. No longer an exact CGR without a lot of fiddling. But sealed (at this size) is not overly critical as to volume which makes it easier if you aren’t anal.


I aesthetically like the idea of offset woofers myself. My friend not so much, he doesn't mind the offset tweeters, he just prefers the look of a centered woofer.

He's sent me a few pictures of the Devore Orangutan's and said that's the aesthetic he wants. I'm going to tell him if that's what he wants he should probably just go buy a pair of Devore Orangutan's. I'll just build the A26 kit for myself.

What's the main benefit to the big 70l+ sealed enclosure vs the 40-50l aperiodic? Lower frequency response?

I originally bought the kit for myself because my pops had a pair of A25's when I was a kid. Teenage me thought those were just the best sounding speaker ever, hell they still might be some of the best sounding speakers I've ever heard. Unfortunately a busted water pipe ruined them along with a pair of Advents.
Joined 2001
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Look at F6/F10.



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