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SEN / CEN All JFET IV Converter Evaluation Pack

Patrick, is it still possible to get on the list? I hope to use your SEN / CEN I/V for a 9018. I went through all the related threads and the earlier discussions didn't seem to bode well for the use of this i/v in a 9018?

its not really ideal for highest measured performance with 9018 no, but its pretty simple to try out and may well sound very well. transformers are about as unsuitable for 9018 as can be conceived and plenty are doing that also.

Patrick, got the email, i'll sort you out in the next couple of days, probably tuesday AEST
Joined 2009
Paid Member
I'm kitting up for a perf board build of the SEN before the arrival of Patricks PCB's and since I'm still waiting for my copy of LA I have a few questions. I will be using the I/V balanced with the 9018 in the shape of a Buffalo III in stereo mode.
Q1: Will I need independent floating supplies for both balanced I/V channels?
Q2: Will regulated supplies work as well as batteries? Expected current draw?
Q3: How is the schematics of the additional Vref circuit and are there any suggestions for component type/values.
Q1: Will I need independent floating supplies for both balanced I/V channels?
You need a total of 4 floating supplies for 2 channel balanced.

Q2: Will regulated supplies work as well as batteries? Expected current draw?
Yes, but battery is just fine.
Current is always constant draw which is equal to the sum of your JFET Idss (if you are using 2 pairs per single ended channel).

Q3: How is the schematics of the additional Vref circuit and are there any suggestions for component type/values.
No component value changes.

I am sure qusp will help you out with ES9018 config. when it comes to actual building.



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