Sennheiser HD650 vs AKG Q701 QJ

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Ah, well!

What caught my eye was the neat idea about having some of the pins on the 634 go to the top layer and some to the bottom layer - I hadn't thought about that one!

I recently got a little "Variable resistor" kit over from Uriah (Daley - Lighter Note vol Control) and he had a neat way of physically positioning a resistor above a zener with separately spaced donuts and helped compact the pcb quite a lot - another new one for me!

A real 'gem' of an idea.
Thanks all for your viewpoints, all very helpful.

I had a chance to try the 650s and I was impressed, maybe a little heavy on the lows but i couldn't seem to find any kind of roll-off on the highs that some people have described, and that was not even with the proper headamp. The K701 unfortunately I couldn't find anywhere to listen with, so I couldn't compare.

Also aesthetically and feeling on the head I believe i would like the 650s better.

Finally I ordered the 650s which I should get soon.
Just my opinion. Very good choice! But I'm Sennheiser guy. Now you will need some decent amp for it... HD650 are quite accurate so don't get something not too aggressive. If you like to listen loud, keep in mind that 650 are quite high Z which means you need somehow higher output voltage from amp to drive it properly. Again that's just my personal opinion and someone might disagree.


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I'm using SDS headphone amp. It might not be very best but it is cheap to build and it delivers plenty of power. If I remember correct I have to modify it slightly. I also tried Gyraf's tube amp but it's not working for me...and also Gyraf's HP amp which is also cheap and simple to build. SDS is more Hi-Fi and HP is mor ''studio''. Both work fine for me. Again just my personal experience and taste. I might have specific and corrupted taste as I'm mix-man living in London, not Hi-Fi enthusiast and I prefer to keep things simple.
If you need any additional info let me know. I might have even some spare pcb boards back at home.
That tube amp use only four tubes. Double triodes of course so that's 8 sections for stereo.
I have no idea about what you are asking and I'm unable to measure anythin due I left that amp at my home town. If you really want I can arrange something. If I remember correct there I have some problems with oscillations, and I really can't tell what I do about that. Maybe I install some grid stoppers? Who knows. I might have some spare boards if you want.
But. That amp can't drive HD650. At least not for me.
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That tube amp use only four tubes. Double triodes of course so that's 8 sections for stereo.
I have no idea about what you are asking and I'm unable to measure anythin due I left that amp at my home town. If you really want I can arrange something. If I remember correct there I have some problems with oscillations, and I really can't tell what I do about that. Maybe I install some grid stoppers? Who knows. I might have some spare boards if you want.
But. That amp can't drive HD650. At least not for me.

Thanks for your offer, I'm not interested in the ECC88 boards.
I Finally got a chance today to test the HD650s with my DAC.

One of the excellent benefits of these headphones is that you can have two seperate cables with no common return (ground) which allows for connection to a balanced output.

The sound is excellent and hopefully will assist for future dac development.

I tried them also with my Rolland V-Drums just for fun... and i realised that my old senn HD485 are either busted or really poor...

Thanks again for you help
Hi. Sorry for late reply. Well about cables and burn in time. I use stock cable and can't tell anything about burn in time. It works fine for me from very first time. But again that's me. I somehow dislike ''audiophile'' way of thinking like something sounds bad but after burn in time it become great. I think that's not true. If it's not ok it won't become. And if there is any significant difference after burn in something is probably really badly designed.
I'm glad to hear you like your headphones. I know exactly why.
Anyway I get some information about Gyraf tube amp. I asked my brother and he has made some measurements. Voltages are always just before clipping with different loads and input voltages at 2kHz
in 0,5V, out 11,7V , open circuit
in 0,1V, out 1,8V, 680E load
in 0,06V, out 0,8V, 270E load
in 0,04V, out 0,3V, 100E load
in 0,03V, out 0,14V, 47E load
in 0,03V, out 0,1V, 33E load
in 0,25V, out 0,06V, 22E load
My advice, don't use it with some low Z Grados !
I used Russian 6N1P tubes.
I have both AKG and HD-650. No luck running both of them from most of my equipment unless I use my O2 amp. They are very different, I use AKG for more "attention listening" and the Senns for more fun. However the Grado 325i has something on both of these, specially in the mids (but not overhall).
My 701's and the O2 amp work very, very well isssues at all that i can perceive. The O2 designer choose the HD650's as his favorite set of cans in his blog site.
I have a set of LCD2's, the 701's and Grado 325is....all so different but all so good in many ways....

Good luck with your 650' me the cable upgrade is a waste of money..

All the best
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