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Shanti Dual LPS 5V/3A , 5V/1.5A

Usbridge is optimized for USB output

I2s bus (connecting to your Digione) shows a marginal improvement(noise reduction). (thats what our test data show)

How will that translate in sound quality ?

By connecting your Digione/Digione Sig to USBridge Sig , I would say that you will get a marginal improvement . (based on test data available to me).

Does this evaluation already include the (probably) improved performance of the new LAN interface built into USBridge Sig. as opposed to the comprised LAN/USB interface of the generic RPi?
Does this evaluation already include the (probably) improved performance of the new LAN interface built into USBridge Sig. as opposed to the comprised LAN/USB interface of the generic RPi?

I t want to clarify the above

My opinion is based ONLY by looking at i2s test data and not on my subjective hearing .

I see a reduction in noise on i2s lines and without listening I gave my assessment .
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Usbridge is optimized for USB output

I2s bus (connecting to your Digione) shows a marginal improvement(noise reduction). (thats what our test data show)

How will that translate in sound quality ?

By connecting your Digione/Digione Sig to USBridge Sig , I would say that you will get a marginal improvement . (based on test data available to me)

Also I am attaching test data of latest version of USBridge Sig (mass production) PCB vs last revision (3 months old). 350uV of noise reduction .It is the most extreme case the rest of rails only lost 75uV of noise

Every rail is under 450uV (thats almost the limit of our CRO)

We used better common mode chokes with dampening . Test data shows a further reduction in noise.

Folks ,we are at the floor of every machine that we have.

I am very proud of what USBridge Sig/ Audiophile SBC has achieved .
How about the improvements with USB signature+Katana.
Will it be a small improvement??
You could also rank the improvements of the devices..... USB out the most improv....
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cdsgames I'm mostly a headphone person guy as i don't have the neccesary room/treatments to get good sound from speakers, but im wondering has Allo thought about making a headphone amp in maybe the 100-250$ price range or is that market to saturated already with the likes of the THX, and atom amp?

On another note have you guys thought about making the revolution DAC run the sabre chip in 128fs mode, and maybe add custom digital filters?
Usbridge Sig /Audiphile SBC has everything optimized .

Since USB and Ethernet are "off the IC" , we implemented our own solution .

Please understand that I took the decision to only comment on what I can see in my test data , not on my subjective experience .

I will let the others give theire opinions on whats improved in terms of sound.

Nanekiu , Revolution runs . of course , in 128fs mode. I think thats a must in terms of SQ even though the change in THD+N is minor .

Headphone amp , I am looking at it.
Usbridge Sig /Audiphile SBC has everything optimized .

Since USB and Ethernet are "off the IC" , we implemented our own solution .

Please understand that I took the decision to only comment on what I can see in my test data , not on my subjective experience .

I will let the others give theire opinions on whats improved in terms of sound.

Nanekiu , Revolution runs . of course , in 128fs mode. I think thats a must in terms of SQ even though the change in THD+N is minor .

Headphone amp , I am looking at it.

On another note wouldn't 80nv noise from Shanti be kind of wasted if you are using LDO's inside the dac that will limit the final noise values? or are you dropping the usage of LDO inside the dac, and just doing additional filtering?

Also will the revolution DAC also have the grounding tab or just the shanti,and usb signature.

Amp , not finished

Sound quality of the DAC is subjective but we fallowed what audiophiles have been saying for a long time . No jitter , no asrc , low impedance (lots of electrons on the rails) and of course low noise on each rail .

What is funny , is that most of those hardware improvements (sq) have clearly showed up as improvement in THD ... we jumped from -121 to - 127 (same layout same PSUs)

THD +N is same from 1Khz to 19.5Khz (in fact slightly better at higher frequency since THD improves of course)

I'm afraid it will be hard to find a Power Amp with a matching level of THD. If the amp is inferior, the advantage's of low THD may be lost.
80nV or noise will be lower than most LDOs. However noise is defined in relationship to a bandwith and I never checked noise of LDOs at 0-20Khz

In the end what I have found is that lower noise PSU defnitley shows up in a DAC output. What I suspect is that most filters can even amplify noise at "resonance" and everything is a filter (usually resonance is at higher frequency) including any lenght PCB trace and a capacitor

Yes Revolution will have a earthing nut.