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Shanti Dual LPS 5V/3A , 5V/1.5A

Hi cdsgames,

I just received my USBridge Signature with DigiOne Signature. Wanted to ask you about connecting USBridge Signature ground to Shanti.

If I understand correctly USBridge Signature is already grounded to the chasis, so the only thing that a user should do is connect a cable between USBridge Signature and Shanti ground posts?

I am asking because the ground post on USBridge Signature chasis is not connected via a cable to the ground pin on the USBridge Signature board. It is not necessary to connect it, right?

Thank you,

Right. Just connect the 2 lugs together with wire
I received my usbridge sig a few days ago and hooked it up to my dddac with the fifopi and an Andrea Mori clock.

Wow!!!! What an improvement with the rpi this is, major improvement in resolution, openness and detail! The depth of the soundstage is definitely better, decay is more clear and the detail level is a firm step up again.
I never thought that there would be so much improvement even with the fifopi in the chain.

To put things in perspective: I use a high resolution setup with a simple no feedback single ended amplifier equipped completely with directly heated tubes and an open baffle wide band loudspeaker using a field coil unit. The dddac is tweaked to the max with shunt regulators and a c-l-c-l-c-l and r-core raw power supply. So every detail of the source will portray itself without any veal.

A question though: is there any difference powering the usbridge through the power supply input or via the gpio/fifopi?


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Ladies and gents,
I am unable to turn off Revolution Dac. I have listened to Take 5 , Destiny Child Survivor , Los Panchos " Sin Ti" and last to Issac Stern (ave maria sounds wonderful)
I never had a DAC with less hi frequency grating (to ears). There is absolutely no "out of band noise" called also "fatiguing sound"
Its musical , its full of detail , and its the NOT bright (I know why ess sound bright , I am able to see the 900Khz spike and I figured a way to reduce it) . In a way its closer to Boss than Katana , while keeping all the microdetail
Still I am using rev Dac + Usbridge Sig and Shanti LPS feeding both. Earthing is done using star ground (Usbridge Sig is connected to Shanti earth , Rev earth is connected to same point).
My best explanation is that absence of hi frequency sound seems to be relaxing alowing to enjoy the music.
Wifey was able (on 3 songs , blind testing) to pick up Rev at 100% times (yeah I know not very scientific)
More details in the days to come.

Which hardware (and software) did you have upstream to USBridge Sig for your listening?


My guess is that the digione nonsig will fit with the usbridge. I’ll be trying out a DigiOne Signature and fifopi woth the usbridge. Im hoping the usbridge will be an improvement over the regular rpi
Regarding SQ, Hans Beekhuyzen has reviewed both boards. Here is link to the Digione YouTube and to the Digione Signature YouTube. BR, Per
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Hi AbsolutK

you can contact the company where you pourchased the unit and we will coordinate for the replacement

USbridge Sig (like RPI3) seems to have issues working correctly with Chord Hugo and Chord Mojo especially at higher samples rates.

We are getting a sample from local market and we will push a patch as soon as possible