Sharing my 3inch Fullrange

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Hi AurisAudio.

That is one nice looking unit you made, and the spec. looks good to. I would like to know what your design ideas is on your design, did you make your own voice coils as well....You most have some kind of idea on how to get where you wanted. Take a look at this thread, we are a small numbers of people how are designing our units and sharing ideas.

Take care
Hi AurisAudio.

That is one nice looking unit you made, and the spec. looks good to. I would like to know what your design ideas is on your design, did you make your own voice coils as well....You most have some kind of idea on how to get where you wanted. Take a look at this thread, we are a small numbers of people how are designing our units and sharing ideas.

Take care

thank you
the idea came out from some fullrange i heard
like fountek, lowther, Philips, audible Physics, etc
but they were so expensive for me n friends
so me n my friend created a cheap fullrange for us, but not cheap sounds !;)
the basket from LG speakers
yes we made ourself voice coil, spiders, surround etc except the basket
well the basket we bought from some junk yard, :D
dont have more money to make own basket like you did, just visit your thread, it was awsome what you did, will do the same later hehehehehehe

so I compare my 3inch fullrange with my 8inch lowther fullrange, you can see from photos up in my last post,
well it wsnt sound cheap at all
sharing again my other component "toy"

paper and black kevlar
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voice coil and spiders
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paper n kevlar midrange
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An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

also almunium cone
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fullrange and midrange almunium cone
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Wow amazing! Which cone is your favourite?

all has unique, has different tastes
i like them all


Very nice work Auris.

The magnitude in the impedance measurement is a bit off i think and thats why you have the T/S parameters so strange. Qes: 0.02 is way too low and on the graph it doesnt show the correct Rdc.

thanks Hentai
maybe my tools didnt work well ?
i use ARTA and BBpro for soundcard
dont have enough money to buy LinearX LMS
You have a nice collection of stuff to make units with... very nice work:up:.

Would you share your technique on how you make all ties nice components, it can help others including my self to see how you do it, in the pursued of the “perfect” unit. Also It would be nice to know about the choice of material used for different applications. I did try to make my own spider but I never go to result that I wanted, so I use some “standard” for my experiments.

Correction: The thread I linked to is not mine, but Hentai's.... He has been a great inspiration for me.
thanks Hentai
maybe my tools didnt work well ?
i use ARTA and BBpro for soundcard
dont have enough money to buy LinearX LMS

with tools that use soundcard its easy to mistake left and right channel.
to verify it you can put a known value resistor instead of the speaker and see what value you get on the screen.
Also the flat region on the impedance curve of a loudspeaker should be close in value with the Rdc.
try to switch channels and measure again.

keep up the good work
with tools that use soundcard its easy to mistake left and right channel.
to verify it you can put a known value resistor instead of the speaker and see what value you get on the screen.
Also the flat region on the impedance curve of a loudspeaker should be close in value with the Rdc.
try to switch channels and measure again.

keep up the good work

note !

thanks for tips
will do it

Very nice frequency response

thank you

I love threads like these. Great work, a tribute to your skill and ingenuity. Fantastic!

many thanks
still learning

That's is a awesome frequency response, and the unit looks good to. Do you have plans for a larger unit?

i made 6inch also
will post them later

about surround, is it rubber? or rubber foam? do you make it or buy it?

surround made from rubber
yes, made it myself
just basket for speaker i dont make it myself
maybe later, just look Frank40's thread, awsome, want to build my own basket
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