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SilentSwitcher - mains-free +/-15V and 6/5/3.3V power

Joined 2011
Paid Member
Jan, I'm hoping to calculate/estimate the max-operating-time of a Power Bank driving a SilentSwitcher.

The SS delivers ±15V at 60 mA, to its load. The PowerBank is rated ten thousand milliamp-hours (= 10 A-h). So far I have:

SS_Pout = (30V * 60mA) = 1.8 Watts


PBankCurrent = SS_Pin / 5.0V

PBankLifetime = 10 A-h * PBDISCHARGEFACTOR / PBankCurrent​

But I don't know how to estimate SS_EFFICIENCY, the power efficiency of the SilentSwitcher (running ±15V @ 60 mA); also PBDISCHARGEFACTOR, the % of power bank rated capacity that I can extract, realistically, without damaging the batteries or drooping the "5V" excessively.

Do you have any guidance or recommendations?
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AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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The SS efficiency will be somewhere between 85-95%. Use 85% as worst case.

I have a Powerbank 10AHrs running a SS hat delivers 110mA per polarity and it runs for half a day easily. Those Powerbank ratings are only for one specific discharge rate, the capacity varies with discharge rate.
And the advertised capacity like 10AHrs is for the 3.7V internal battery. The Powerbank converts that 3.7V to 5V so there you lose both capacity and efficiency as well.

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Joined 2011
Paid Member
Thanks, Jan!

110mA @ +12V and -12V is 2.64 watts. If SS efficiency is 90% then 2.93 watts are drawn from the power bank. Which equals 5V at 590 mA.

590 mA from a 10 Amp-hour bank is a "come on get real, it can't possibly be this high, lifetime" of 17 hours. But your real life + real world experience is that the lifetime is about 12 hours, so PBDISCHARGEFACTOR is 12/17 = 70% in your experience.

That's great to know. Thank you!!!

AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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The SilentSwitchers in the diyaudio store are almost gone and I've been thinking about doing another run, or take the opportunity to update the design.

One comment I often hear is the limited output current of 150mA at +/-15V. I could update the design to provide at least double that, probably up to 400mA at +/-15V.
Also provide for a wider input voltage range than max 11V, like up to 20V so you could supply is also from a power brick.

One thing to remember is that if you want 400mA at +/-15V, that is 12W or more than 2A from a USB port or Powerbank so that may max that out. If you then also draw 1A from the +5V, you need something more powerful than a USB charger.

That bring me to the next question: is that auxiliary 6.5V/5V/3.3V supply useful? Do you normally use that too or would you just want the +/-15V?

Joined 2014
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6 months ago I would have said being able to run of a 12v battery (so 14.4. float) would have been wonderful, but then I discovered many lithium booster packs on ebay with 9V output which removes that need.

Personally I find the aux supply ideal for driving relays. I may be an outlier in that though as I have a stash of 5V relays.
the auxiliary 6.5V/5V/3.3V supply of the SilentSwitchers is IMHO very useful in many applications. When there is only one version of the SilentSwitcher I'd very much like it with the auxiliary supply.
So far I used three SilentSwitchers and all of them utilize the auxiliary supply.
I've been thinking about doing another run

Good news!

I could update the design to provide at least double that, probably up to 400mA at +/-15V.
Also provide for a wider input voltage range than max 11V, like up to 20V so you could supply is also from a power brick.

Even better news, on both counts!

is that auxiliary 6.5V/5V/3.3V supply useful?

Definitely, please keep it!

It would also be great if we could have the option to increase the +/- supply voltage to 17 or 18 volts. If we can have 400mA at +/-15V, what could we have at +/-18V?

Best regards.
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Running it at 12V is tricky, you never know when the input slightly drifts above 12V, and that can be harmful.

There is a protection zener of 11V across the input for that. I don't know how adventurous you are or what you experience is. You *could* remover the zener and just do it, but don't come to me when something goes wrong ;-)



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A new batch has been ordered, for delivery end of April. I expect them to be in the diyaudio store at the very end of April or first week of June. Same unit as before.


Great. BTW, like NicMac said, what happened to May? :D

Need one to supply a Soekris DAC board. The current 15v version SS is a little (too) hot for the DAC board. It will be perfect with 8-10v.