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Simple High Performance DC Coupled Class A HPA with sub PPM THD

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
I actually have one more of the full PCB set for the amp with DCDC and Cap Mx PSU, input select board, CLC filter, volume pot helper board, Xfeed board etc.

Good news is that I have plenty of the stand-alone amp boards but they have an easy to fix error (wire jumper and 2k2 resistor needed - see photo). These work great and are ideal for the DIY’er wanting to use his own PSU or to make a balanced (BTL) output amp.

The standalone boards are available here:
DC Coupled Class A Simple Headphone Amplifier | Etsy


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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Just tested out the standalone boards with the Yarra PSU. It sounds fantastic! I forgot how good this headphone amp sounds. It is so direct and powerful. DC coupling makes a difference I think.

I might have to build another set of boards and make a balanced output headphone for myself.


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