Simplistic MosFET HV Shunt Regs

A positive SSHV will burn out. See its mirror in the above your question link. Its not that different.

Sorry, I don't get it. A positive reg output has plus and minus, or common. When it is fed from a floating supply, what difference does it make if I will wire the positive out of the regulator to the ground and the negative out to the client?
A tip for the LEDs to use on the PCB's , Digikey P11506CT-ND LED ORANGE S-GW TYPE SMD they give right at 1.8V, fit the board nicely too, no worries about them becoming antennas.

Has anyone tried capacitor rolling of the 1uf zobel output cap. With my SSHV WE417A Spud Headamp this is really the only cap in the AC path.

Think it would be worth trying a K75 in leu of the cheapest 1uF metalpoly cap I could find on Digikey?
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If insulation pad on Mosfet's back fails by heat one time in the future, having the box as a sink its either spectacular HV short to ground when with a grounded box, or DC electrocution hazard for anybody touching the box if ground is not present or faulty. This is high voltage. Don't take it lightly. A 22K 10W will be good for dummy in your case.

Catched the info about dummy load:D
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I have on hand one Caddock MP925 15K with heatsink will be enough as dummy load?


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