Simplistic NJFET RIAA

Sorry, guys, 2nd question ... this time re. the 4.7uF coupling cap.

Your circuit has it coming off the 1st stage Drain - before the RIAA.

I have seen another, similar, circuit where it is after the RIAA, feeding the Gate of the second stage (and the 1Meg shunt to ground).

What is the effect of having it in each position? :confused:


diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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C3 in the Folded Simplistic is 47nF and it comes after the RIAA. It is better this way since it allows a smaller value, thus a physically smaller capacitor with less foil in it. More economical also or allowing a pricier type before it gets too expensive due to value.
C3 in the Folded Simplistic is 47nF and it comes after the RIAA. It is better this way since it allows a smaller value, thus a physically smaller capacitor with less foil in it. More economical also or allowing a pricier type before it gets too expensive due to value.

Thanks, Salas.

Yes, much better to use a higher-quality, smaller cap ... without having to pay as much for it as you would with a big cap! ;)


diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Congratulations! And thanks for the feedback. You are the first to report a GB PCB build and I am happy nothing went wrong. Was it all clear with the guide? Tell us a bit about the system it plays in if you like.

*I attach your pictures here because they did not show up directly in your post.


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Joined 2004
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Not sure why I'm having problems with the photos today.

Anyway, here is a photo of the system. 845PP transformer coupled amps driving my horns with W subs on the bottom end.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The Guide was great! Big improvement over commissioning the point to point version. I did have to tweak R3x to get the reg in the correct range, per your guide.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Hey, hey, an expert's DIY system nonetheless.;)
What is the cartridge and what gain did you choose to build for? Impressive that you got no hum nuisance with a toroid Tx in the phono box on horn speakers, even when you shielded it.

About the pictures, it seems that the host does not relay, but I downloaded your system's picture and I attach it as well. Better use attachments in the future. You can also know how it will appear by hitting preview before submit.


  • 2013-11-02 14.46.56.jpg
    2013-11-02 14.46.56.jpg
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Joined 2004
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Hey, hey, an expert's DIY system nonetheless.;)
What is the cartridge and what gain did you choose to build for? Impressive that you got no hum nuisance with a toroid Tx in the phono box on horn speakers, even when you shielded it.

About the pictures, it seems that the host does not relay, but I downloaded your system's picture and I attach it as well. Better use attachments in the future. You can also know how it will appear by hitting preview before submit.

Ortofon Kontrapunkt B, 56dB gain, single K369.

diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Ortofon Kontrapunkt B, 56dB gain, single K369.


I had listened to that cart briefly in the recent past in a tubes system and i found it good almost up there with some Lyras. A nice choice, and the gain choice is wise for it too.
Did you keep the RIAA treble caps C2+C2Y at the 15.2nF averagely recommended value or you had to tweak?
Joined 2004
Paid Member
I had listened to that cart briefly in the recent past in a tubes system and i found it good almost up there with some Lyras. A nice choice, and the gain choice is wise for it too.
Did you keep the RIAA treble caps C2+C2Y at the 15.2nF averagely recommended value or you had to tweak?

I'm at 15.15nF currently, I will most likely add the 50pf at some time. It does not sound bright to me now. My biggest observation is that the low level detail is much improved over the point to point version with separate regulators. Definitely a step up.
Joined 2004
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Its a very small value difference to 15.2nF, only 0.328%, certainly within experimental error of some meters so it should be practically very good already.
You mean VS a P2P folded or the previous with a telescopic cascode from the older PDF guide?

vs the point to point folded. This circuit is much better than the original non folded version. My buddy had his pearl over here last weekend and the point to point version of the folded was much more spacious, the PCB version is in another league. :)

Many thanks,
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Very good news. I strived to provide a standard so for all to have the same dense enough general layout with no cables to regs too and a predictable ground for the most part between builds. The parameters that in P2P vary between builders in other words. I am glad it worked out. Enjoy, and thanks again for your feedback. :up:
transformer choice

Can anyone advise?

I am planning to build the Folded PCB, I already have all the parts, but have a doubt about the transformers. In fact I already have one Nuvotem toroidal of 2x18V / 15VA, and was thinking of buying another one for the other channel.

Is this power enhough (one transformer per channel)?
It will roughly draw 5W per channel. If those trafos you got keep an acceptable temperature at 5W each then they are good.

Ok thanks, but in that case I will buy a new 80VA unit (to be used by both channels) and will only spend 8€ more when compared to buying another 15VA and take the risk of over-heating. Although we can think of better performance with 2 transformers, I will anyhow use two bridges and separate filters.
Ok thanks, but in that case I will buy a new 80VA unit (to be used by both channels) and will only spend 8€ more when compared to buying another 15VA and take the risk of over-heating. Although we can think of better performance with 2 transformers, I will anyhow use two bridges and separate filters.

Yes, 2 bridges and separate filters are preferable but, surely, if you want "the ultimate" PS, you should use a separate bridge & filters for each gain stage? So 4 in all - with, I suggest, 2 transformers (so, 1 for each channel).

