Single CD drive mechanism to suit 2011 Hyundai iLoad. This drive mechanism is so far, impossible to locate on the net. Help please.

Does anybody have any idea who makes these radio's, and where am i likely to obtain a single drive CD mechanism complete to suit this radio?. I've looked high and low, with no luck. I have sent emails, with no reply. There are millions of these cars made all over the world. One would think that a couple of the sites i looked at had heaps and heaps of mechanisms, but none the same as these. I have three to repair, so far, and they are quite easy if you could ever get one of the CD drive mechanisms. Somebody obviously makes these radio's, but it appears to be a big secret, for some reason. I got one reply from one manufacturer, who makes these units for just about everything else, but Hyundai iLoads. They have to exist, it's just a matter of perhaps somebody out there who has fixed one of these before now. Another problem with these radio's, which is the standard radio in these cars, is the four screws that hold the bottom circuit board, come loose real easy, and maybe short something out, not quite shore, but, if you ever buy a new one, the first thing to do is take the top cover off, remove the CD drive unit, and tighten those four screws. Any help in purchasing a couple of these drives would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, and i love this new site, as i am fascinated with this stuff now and have been for a while, after a few mistakes that is. Cheers, Wal.