SissySIT R.3

Joined 2018
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I was wondering just this morning about the fabrication differences (if any) between these Tokins and the Sony/Yamaha VFETs, and whether it all comes down to application, or if those designed specifically for audio are inherently a cut above the elevator shakers (lol table shakers).

Of course, this question could quickly diverge into a technical deep dive on transistor specs and selection, but on a high level, I'd imagine the Tokins should be able to keep up if used in a proper circuit, yeah? :)
Official Court Jester
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you can read something about measured performance differences between THF51, 2SK180 and 2SK182, in common source application , in Singing Bush thread(s) - practically Papa's amp presented on BAF 2015 (hope got year correctly)

SissySIT is made primarily with THF51, and I always wrote that I'm expecting differences between those 3 SIT types being smaller in DEF circuit, than they are in common source (Singing Bush) one

I did some SissySIT tests with remaining two, in place of THF51, but was lazy to document them in any way - when I heard how they sung, I just didn't care for any measurements

Pa took some serious work with smaller ones (Sony), so I just didn't found them so damn provocative to play with ..... especially because he made that one (first!, I believe ) also presented on BAF - just input xformer and two VFets

that one is worthy, pure poetry .... and it was sorta pitty that he didn't made complete Jewel in lieu of M2** ..... maybe I'll try to play with that one, to make something enough different that I can call it Babelfish

my main efforts were put to investigate is it possible to make DEFiSIT for masses ....... and I'm damn pleased how it becomes :clown:

**if I'm going high whenever I think of Geniality of M2, imagine how high would I be in case that Pa made that, as finished package......anyway, there is still a weak chance of me having Lucida Intervala and actually getting to challenge ..... in fact, this is first time I ever think of that ....... :scratch2:

huh, I must suppress my self now, need some sleep tonight .....
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Joined 2018
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The mighty ZM actually sleeps?! ;)

Thanks for all that background, tho. It'll be interesting to see what all comes out of the research and exploration on SITs within this community over time.

I'm personally excited to obtain the remaining parts to complete the SissySIT in the meantime. :)
Joined 2018
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The new Modushop Monoblock chassis arrived today, as well as my two Antek 300VA donuts. It may be a tight fit with everything stacked in there, but should be worth it to not take up more real estate.

This thing is also not going to be light. Chunky boi. :)


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Joined 2006
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Wired mine up (finally) today.

New switch board working fine, to sure about the LED in the bulgin momentary switch. I can get it to come on with the wires either way. Power on, with delay, and power off fine.

1) first board I could get 160 mv fine, and finally got DC offset close. FE set fine.
2) Other board set up nicely. 160, DC good, FE good. Biased up to 198, with 0 DC offset.
3) Back to first board, Bias tops at 194 mv. DC offset stuck at -13.x volts, and does not move with the pot.

verified both boards getting 22.3v under load.

Joined 2006
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SissySIT R3. THF-51S from watanabletomoaki (roughly matched)

I never got bias up over 160mv across 0R11, and that DC offset went under 2v. When I returned from doing the second scanner, I figured the voltage drop from second board hookup might smooth it out, but it got worse instead.

max Bias is 164, not 194 (my mistake above), with offset -13v or so, and unchanged by turning to offset pot.

* went for a walk * I’ll take another look at it after I clean up.
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This is one side. I took out a set of Aleph J boards, reused a proven power supply, and made a soft start switch circuit (Mark Johnson’s Circuit)

figuring out the various photo options. Much more flexible than the old site.


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