Site moving to HTTPS


Joined 2003
Paid Member
Just now: the stylesheet is not loading every time. I get posts in Time Roman with no DIYAudio header or reply box. Refresh worked once. Going to the top page and working in again worked a few other times. (Never know if it is just my cable provider.....)
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Showing "https", no glitches (yet). FF 62.0 (64bit) on Win7.

"This website does not supply ownership information."

Expires on Oct 31 2018 (less than 60 days??)

We are using a Let's Encrypt certificate which has 3 months validity. They do that to encourage automation of certificate renewal and shorten the amount of time rogue certificates could be valid in the wild.

Just now: the stylesheet is not loading every time. I get posts in Time Roman with no DIYAudio header or reply box. Refresh worked once. Going to the top page and working in again worked a few other times. (Never know if it is just my cable provider.....)

Good chance you're getting a cached version of something. Try doing a hard refresh.

Refresh your cache - When hitting F5 just isn't enough!

It was showing partial for me before (saying images were not https) but now showing full https :) Waterfox 56.2.2


I think I've got everything now. When members post HTTP images, they are now being re-written and served from WeServ.NL over HTTPS. There should be no more HTTP content on diyAudio anywhere. If you see something, let me know.

I'll be using to have people's browsers submit error reports in an automated fashion, so I should see any glitches at least as fast as you do, if not sooner, once I set that up later today.
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Yep, oops :)

After fixing various errors and seeing it all settle in nicely, I switched all static content over to Cloudflare CDN about 30 minutes ago and it caused a problem due to misconfiguration (it was forcing all HTTPS to HTTP, ie: the wrong way around). Have fixed the configuration, and things should go back to normal over the next hour or two. Try a hard refresh in the meantime.
Images hosted at my site do not load here

So, for the past 15 or so years I have been posting images here hosted at my website. Never a problem until this change in your system.
my site: The Analog Dept.
At first I thought it is just an incompatibility between the http and https, but then I got to checking some other sites that have moved to https. vinyl engine, for one. audioasylum for another. They are https and my images load there just fine.
I suspect it may be a setting that requires adjustment on your part but I can't be certain.

As for changing my website over to https goes....I suppose it is inevitable. I'll look into it but I'm not certain when that will happen or how much it might cost.

The Analog Dept.

traderbam said:
Formatting seems messed up for me and the "Quick links" menu does not appear. Tried on Firefox and MS Edge browsers.
Ya I have to go thru a proxy now to get here but it seems to be working OK,I havent noticed anything amiss.... (Everything shows up exactly as it did before)

I was worried about not being able to get here and I love