Site moving to HTTPS

I suspect you don't need to do anything - just sign up for Cloudflare, have them manage your DNS, and activate their SSL and caching. Zero expense. Buy you a beer if you can't do it.

Thanks for that tip. I'll look into it.
fwiw, I haven't really concentrated on setting up the website in nearly two decades. I've just maintained it. Now I'm looking at using a different html editor as well as conforming to the web format of the moment.

Joined 2000
Paid Member
Here, I got you one:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

That URL now 404's... took me 5 minutes to work our that was why the image was working yesterday and not today.... :)

Chrome Audit:

Best practices
- Some third-party scripts may contain known security vulnerabilities that are easily identified and exploited by attackers. Learn more.

Library / Version / Vulnerability Count / Highest Severity
YUI / 3@3.5.0 / 3 / Medium
yui vulnerabilities | Snyk

Good catch. I'll try to upgrade this if vBulletin can run on YUI3 and not YUI2. Might be a wait-till-XenForo thing, but let's see. Yahoo's CDN doesn't support HTTPS, and Google's is now unavailable... cobwebs, cobwebs....
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I appear unable to login using tapatalk for a couple of days now. "Network error, please try again later (login)."

As others have noted, I was experiencing issues with viewing actual threads. Push notifications were received but thread contents would not load. I signed out, cleared cache, now am unable to login on tapatalk.
Obviously, logging in with web browser works ok.
Is there something I need to activate in tapatalk to match the diyA https upgrade?

All other groups in tapatalk work as normal.

I signed up with Cloudflare for a free account that performs my SSL and certificate checking using a shared certificate. After setting up the account I notice that my images now load here at diyAudio. Example:

And the green padlock at the address bar in my browser does not change.

That was easier than I thought it might be.
Great :) Yes, Cloudflare is really an awesome service and company in general.

I have 6 months left on my current account with for web hosting. I'd stay with them but they want to charge me an additional $169 to set up a unique SSL service for me. $50 for setup then$119.00 SSL purchase fee.

That in addition to my $9.99 per month fees (collected on an annual basis). I've been with them since 2002. Now I'm looking around for options.

That plus they changed ownership at around 2009 and then they failed to transfer my old records with the previous owner ( and just list me as being with them since 2009. That kind of tweaks my attitude a bit.

Tried to log in for the first time in a while (been designing a CNC router to make speaker cabinets :) ), and was appalled to be told that "IE and Chrome on WindowsXP are now unsupported." Appalled because I never (and likely will never) use either of them, and because it also blocks me using Opera which not only supports SSLv3 but is just well, cool. I'm kind of stuck on XP as I have a number of old apps (some custom written) that will only really work on XP that earn me a fair bit of my money and unless someone comes along who will recreate them for free I'm not up for changing. So can someone please sort it so that I'm able to access this site using Opera?? There's no reason why not. Otherwise I just won't bother, I find Firefox more of a dog tahn a fox I'm afraid.
Tried to log in for the first time in a while (been designing a CNC router to make speaker cabinets :) ), and was appalled to be told that "IE and Chrome on WindowsXP are now unsupported." Appalled because I never (and likely will never) use either of them, and because it also blocks me using Opera which not only supports SSLv3 but is just well, cool. I'm kind of stuck on XP as I have a number of old apps (some custom written) that will only really work on XP that earn me a fair bit of my money and unless someone comes along who will recreate them for free I'm not up for changing. So can someone please sort it so that I'm able to access this site using Opera?? There's no reason why not. Otherwise I just won't bother, I find Firefox more of a dog tahn a fox I'm afraid.

Get a modernOS and run XP in VirtualBox - problem gone.
So far no problems faced yet. :)
...abandoned Windows a long time ago in favour of Linux...
Same story here. No problems at all. In fact, I didn't even notice that the long-awaited https had finally arrived!

Thanks to Jason for making the switch to secure protocols happen! (Well, if not secure, at least less insecure, given the history of "security" on the Internet.)

I too have been Linux-only in my personal life for 18 years now. And at work too, for the last two years. Mandrake Linux 8.0 in 2001 was the turning point for me, the first Linux distribution I could actually use to get things done, and not just to tinker with Linux.
