Site policy on AI generated posts?

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We will shortly be moving to XenForo 2.3. It will give a nice search improvement bump by adding search autocomplete as you type.

This is very much in stark contrast to the current-day question-and-answer abilities of ChatGPT 4o, which is essentially a "predictive autocomplete" of your answer. Looks fancy and impressive, can't be trusted at all, great for creative work, terrible for anything that needs to be logically/mathematically/scientifically/factually sound. It will, however, improve. !remindme 3 years

I dare suggest, to replace the search function of the forums with an AI powered bot.
Already available for you at

When you come to diyAudio do you want a poor imitation of the abilities of a multi-billion-dollar hardware and software stack, or do you want to participate in a very human community of DIYers that share your soulful experience of audio and the pursuit for perfection and/or "soul" in music?
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Joined 2009
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For this kind of things AI is a very powerful tool ( referencing and search around criteria).

Talking to a bot, i have zero interest into. And i feel it a bit sad to have to talk with something without conscious of it's own.

Translation, then ok. But i will miss the lost in translation 'errors': they give hint of how other language 'works' and the peculiar cultural traits which come from, which i find interesting.

Overall Diyaudio is very friendly place were it's easy to talk with geniuses in their fields and learn from them.
And the place is really warm when your some kind of 'weirdo', 'geek' or whatever describe people a bit 'different' in their way of thinking.
Thanks to human being in there.
In no way we should lost this.
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I would ban as a school director any use of smartfones at school.

I would easily ban as an employer their use at work as these machines are like secret service tools - you can fotograph any documents and carry it home.

Its a pity that data security plays no role and is not protected.

AI should be strongly controlled and no clandestine research be allowed.
I would ban as a school director any use of smartfones at school.
Well, we may see it happen in the near future not far away:

I would easily ban as an employer their use at work as these machines are like secret service tools - you can fotograph any documents and carry it home.
Such bans exist in major companies where it is deemed necessary.
Its a pity that data security plays no role and is not protected.
Isn't this statement a bit broad?

Not a little bit.

Tim Berners Lee stated that the pioneers of the internet did not foresee the role the collection of data will play.

So there is a broad and common abuse of widly collected data everywhere.

If teachers and pupils at school get filmed against their will. There is no protection of personality.

My statement can be defended well.

Now imagine what unregulated connection of data with the help of AI will mean for our freedom in the future.

Just look at the abuse of control and power against the citizen rights movement in the 60ies.

Now what do you think the merging of big finance with big data and big pharma has an influence upon us today. AI even maximizing this power. State and economy being already one conglomeration of power. No citizen will ever be able to be free again.

Just watch the film:
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AI is here to stay and improve. Using it, is simply, using another powerful resource that was not previously available. It has nothing to do with being cool. Considering the time I could be cool, I can only say, it is long gone. However, that does not mean opting out of modern powerful resources. I would also like to add, that communicating with a bot is still a very long way to replace communicating and interacting with people.
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AI is here to stay and improve. Using it, is simply, using another powerful resource that was not previously available.
In my view, AI is not a resource, it is a threat.
At least for the common people (just like me).

However, it is an opinion of yours and it is okay, but in my opinion this does not mean that we do not have a civic duty to make things difficult for those who are planning immoral and anti-society uses of AI.
How can one not wonder why they almost force you to buy an electric car for the Green Deal and then AI has a very high carbon footprint.
How can one not wonder why they haven't yet enacted a single law regulating the use and purpose for which some companies use AI.
Or because thousands if not millions of work places are expected to be canceled?
While some idiots enjoy making fake poems/pics/videos with AI?

How can one not wonder what will become of this world and above all of defenseless, fragile and weak people if we don't at least make things a little more difficult for them.

Do you really think they let the general public use the potential of AI?
Do you really think that?
They are just giving a malfunctioning toy to children...
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Sorry, this is a crusade that I am not going to take part in. :)
We need your help, too. Madis!

If not with me, just go with Mr Berners Lee and the New York Times


But now, Mr. Berners-Lee, 65, believes the online world has gone astray. Too much power and too much personal data, he says, reside with the tech giants like Google and Facebook — “silos” is the generic term he favors, instead of referring to the companies by name. Fueled by vast troves of data, he says, they have become surveillance platforms and gatekeepers of innovation.
AI can be used to moderate posts on the fly.
I can see you're typing something into the editor and the sentence font turns red, while the little "cop" icon (moderator) pops up.

Then it says "Please Rephrase Statement". After three tries of still not passing the AI detector, it says "You are now locked out of replying to this topic for 1/2 hour. Go cool off / rethink how you want to express your thoughts. Please review examples in the conduct section for corrective actions one can take, to make a successful Rephrasing effort". Then it puts up a clickable link.

Cal and Pano would love it! Instead of one of them having to explicitly post "Gentleman, you're walking on thin..."
I would also like to add, that communicating with a bot is still a very long way to replace communicating and interacting with people.
I thought that "Turing test" was long ago passed. I suppose it depends on context. The person doing intake at the doctor's office, or the imaging diagnostic place, or working the prescription pickup counter is executing a fairly standard routine - if all goes well. Of course, exceptions will come up and I'd bet AI could handle many, but perhaps not all possibilities, as well as a person.

The problem with AI is it has no soul. AI wouldnt care if I verbally pre-empted a question asked of every 'effin person who steps up to the window like a human, who might sense a smidgen of kindness coming from a customer no less. AI wouldnt make a good bartender; it's not going to respond to a "Crazy Guggenheim" character the way Jackie Gleason could.

And then you have something like a Cat or a (lap) Dog, who offer a human companion no verbal data services at all, only themselves. I'll be impressed when AI can pass that "Turing test". Which I'd bet will never happen even as a trick, because AI doesnt have access to the thread that links us all (well, most of us anyway), which lies outside of us and remains in place whether we are living or not. AI doesnt get to be on that channel, that's exclusive to living sentient beings. I suppose that would be the way to always tell AI generated from "real" -

They say AI can generate some pretty good blues music; I havent listened to it enough to be able to tell if any "soul" is there.
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