Site policy on AI generated posts?

Its not only accounts posting using chatgpt.
Ive found accounts using GAN images for account photos, theses accounts tend to post in non audio areas of the forum, these accounts have gone dormant.
Whether these types of accounts are human or bot controlled is another question.
Some of the backend housekeeping changes now helps looking at previous accounts I previously had suspicions about.......
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Joined 2005
Paid Member
The issue I see is that of fake news, information and websites etc. It's becoming more difficult to determine what is fake and what is not, from store fronts, to world news to job listings. There seem to be an endless industry of scams. Fake news now seems to even be able to win or influence national elections. That's power on a very big scale.
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Some years ago here in the Netherlands we had machine learning systems identify potential fraudsters. Perfectly honest people with a foreign-sounding name were identified as potential fraudsters, causing huge problems for a large group of innocent people. So yes, misapplication of AI can cause real trouble.
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Very soon our lives will be flooded with instant and easy access to soulless (but very human sounding) AI generated answers. The web will be flooded with AI generated spam trained itself on AI generated spam. You won’t be able to trust anything you read, and so trust will become everything.
I agree, and maybe it won't be a bad thing.

I don't stay on social media because I'm not interested in that.
I observe human behavior, I'm interested in that, and from what appears different in human behavior compared to let's say twenty years ago or ten years ago I (very personally) "deduce" about the influence that social media have and have had on human behavior in recent times. times.
At the end of the day, what I could highlight (assuming it was of interest to anyone) is the fact that general aggressiveness in relationship has increased, perhaps also because the number of people on the planet has almost doubled compared to many years ago, but also because people without culture and without no education believes they can "change" their intellectual and behavioral status simply by "learning" from the responses of others they read on social media.
And therefore they have flattened themselves compared to their frustrating, I imagine, original "starting" situation.

But they have no idea what they are emulating.
And they still haven't understood and therefore don't know that there is nothing that can replace their own cultural background (if any).

My hopeful thought is that AI can improve this state of affairs, because there is nothing worse than what man himself does.
AI is anything but intelligent.
When those without any culture and a lot of presumption begin to emulate AI's responses, all that lack of humanity will come out into the open.
And when they realize it, perhaps only then will they understand "some" important things.

I've never said/written/thought anything more positive about AI...

P. S.: Closer to the topic, I don't have the faintest idea of how such a phenomenon can be stemmed on the Forum.
ITOH anorher from Chat GPT was exactly what I was seeking.

Thus, as both audio and food are subjective, why don't give it a try?
Because you are not (hopefully) copy-pasting Google search results here as the core part of your posts?

For me personally the posts including direct AI produce - if allowed - should be labelled/tagged as such - first by posters themselves and if not then by admins.
Also my forum profile should present me a possibility of hiding/ignoring such tagged posts. Forum thread with such content could have a button "Show AI content" in the header so if I feel like spending my time on them then I could reveal them with a mouse click.
Then the last decision about the contents I see and spend my time on would be up to me as a reader.

There is one more aspect to using AI - it may make the poster look substantially more competent than one's actual level. So the members' (human) responses may address the actually missing skills.
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thus you will want a button to reject all posts thas has been created by users non-english-speakers who can't edit a post by they own.
You are misinterpreting my post.
Nobody forbids you to rewrite AI content in your own words before posting it. And so far I do not remember any major problems with non-English speakers around here so please do not troll.
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I think that AI is a powerfull tool when properly used.

I am ham radio from 1987. When SSB rigs made commercialy were available, it was said AM home-made transmitters and receivers will dissapear. It didn't occur. Today they convive: powerfull plastic rigs with humble single-tube regenerative receivers.

More recently the echolink software enable us to dialogue with a guy located in the diammetrally sited place of earth as it be at 1Km. It has been said again, that home made TX/RX and SSB will die.
Those didn't happen too. In fact echolink isn't radio, is voice over IP. However no one extremelly sophisticated rig will satisfcace us more than make a QSO with a humble AM Xtal controlled and a regenerative.
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