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Sonics by Joachim Gerhard cabinets and kits

Here are the responses without and with the trap.


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The parameters of the woofer are optimized for the 40 Liter cabinets of the Arkadia.
I use a siighly overdamped bass reflex tuning with a low 32Hz minimum.
Bass is really tight and deep for this rather small volume.
I modified the tweeter. It has a rather flimsy round paper thingy to close the volume in the back so I added some damping and stiffening in the form of multiplex wood.
The ca. 27kHz come brackup is controlled by a precision trap. This proved rather difficult.
I needed two days to find the optimum compromise.
The improvements show as lower intermodulation distortion and optimized Impuls response.

Hello Joachim ,
I want a pair, I've sent mail to you.
I designed a stand that I call Low Boy. That way you can place a speaker like the Arkadia right on the floor.
You can also turn around the speaker. Now the tweeter is near the floor. You can add a wedge and then you have something like a Snell Type 1.


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Sonics Arkadia Last Edition

The Arkadia Last Edition is ready.
You can use is conventionally on a stand and also like the Snell on the floor with a reflector.
Both sound great in their own way.
Ready made they cost 2400,- € a pair.
I sell a Kit for 1800,-€ a pair.
I can deliver custom made stands for 698,.€ the pair.
The speakers come with a certificate of authenticity to differentiate them from the ones build by Sonics after I went out of the company that are floating around on the web for low prices. Not all of them are made correctly.


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So this is problably one of these Sonics Arkadia Made by Sonics After you left.

It Sems to be a Sonics Argenta

In German

Eine weitere Besonderheit ist das Gehäuse. Hier für den Preis von 1.300 ¤ mehr als MDF zu erwarten ist ja fast schon frech. Was nichts gegen MDF heißen soll, das Material kommt auch in wesentlich höheren Preisregionen zum Einsatz und hat sich dort bewährt – aber hier wird ein Drei-Komponenten-Kabinett geliefert: Es besteht aus zwei Spanplatten mit unterschiedlicher Dämpfung und ist innen mit Keramikplatten verkleidet. Ein Aufwand, den nicht jeder betreibt. Gehäuseresonanzen soll so der Garaus gemacht werden. Kaschiert wird das Ganze nicht mit Folie, sondern mit Echtholz-Funier. So weit, so solide.