Sound quality of "PI" speakers?

One thing the pi speakers have going for them is that they are the just about the only DIY designs with >95db sensitivity with 8 ohms impedance. There really are very few other options out there. I am probably going to build one just out of default.

Did you build them?

After much searching for a high sensitivity (min 91db spl) speaker. I've finally settled on the 2 Pi speakers. I wasn't interested in the design at first, thinking that a driver usually used for bass guitar cabs, can't possible sound good as a hi-fi speaker. Then I saw a review on the Tekton Lore, which uses a similar Eminence Alpha 10" driver (am pretty sure they've modified it though). They cost $1000 a pair and I considered buying them but postage to the UK put them over budget. Same with Zu Dirty Weekend speakers.

So, does anyone have an opinion of how the 2 Pi speakers sound? Can a bass driver create sweet mids? Have you heard the Tekton Lore or Zu Dirty Weekend speakers? Comparisons. Your thoughts please
My first was the Eminence deltalite 2510 with an 18sound compression driver / horn crossed at 1600hz 4th order acoustic. I think the deltalite is probably the best Eminence driver for a 2-way because you can achieve a nice flat low frequency response, whereas the B102 measured with a slightly higher q than the datasheet and gives a slightly bumped up bass.

Current speakers use the Eminence delta 10a and wavecore waveguide tweeter. The only way I could get it to sound right was to cross at 950hz. Obviously that's far too low for the tweeter, but it sounds surprisingly good. Only the odd track played loud sounds a bit strained.

Compression drivers give brilliant dynamics, but a slightly odd sound. Not at all harsh, but jut hard to describe.

I think the deltalite with the wavecore would be awesome, but next project is a 3-way...
My first was the Eminence deltalite 2510 with an 18sound compression driver / horn crossed at 1600hz 4th order acoustic. I think the deltalite is probably the best Eminence driver for a 2-way because you can achieve a nice flat low frequency response, whereas the B102 measured with a slightly higher q than the datasheet and gives a slightly bumped up bass.

Current speakers use the Eminence delta 10a and wavecore waveguide tweeter. The only way I could get it to sound right was to cross at 950hz. Obviously that's far too low for the tweeter, but it sounds surprisingly good. Only the odd track played loud sounds a bit strained.

Compression drivers give brilliant dynamics, but a slightly odd sound. Not at all harsh, but jut hard to describe.

I think the deltalite with the wavecore would be awesome, but next project is a 3-way...

Have decided which drivers you'll use in the 3 way?

Have you tried other pro brand woofers and prefer Eminence? I have tried some pro drivers but never Eminence. Deltalite 2510 looks interesting.
Have decided which drivers you'll use in the 3 way?

Have you tried other pro brand woofers and prefer Eminence? I have tried some pro drivers but never Eminence. Deltalite 2510 looks interesting.

I'm sticking with the Wavecore tweeter, and I'm going to use the Faital 6RS140 mid. I had my eye on this driver before Troels used it in one of his designs, but seeing how good it looked, I had to have it. The woofer is an Eminence Kappa Pro 12A.
The drivers are sat on a table behind me now. Just need to sort out the cabinet materials...

I've used Beyma but found their quality control was terrible, one driver had an off-centre dust cap and another had a rubbing voice coil.
Eminence are a great company to deal with. If you have any problems they are very helpful.
I'm on my second pair of 10" 2-way speakers using Eminence drivers. They're great and since using Eminence, I'm not interested in the usual Scanspeak, Seas etc 'hifi' speakers anymore.

Yesterday I swapped out my 87db efficient Kali LP6s for my Yamaha DXR12s. The woofer in the Yamaha is fairly similar to the Eminence Alpha 12.

It was remarkable how much more dynamic the Yamaha is. I had to turn down the volume on three separate occasions, because the speakers kept blowing me out of my chair during dynamic peaks on the movie I was watching.

The difference in dynamics is particularly shocking, considering I wasn't even listening at a very loud volume, and the Kali speakers are capable of hitting something like 110dB. Even though I was using a tiny fraction of what the Yamahas can do, it was unmistakably much more dynamic.
Cue the WLM Diva: 6moons audio reviews: WLM Diva Monitor with Diva Control! :D

Eminence 10CX and APT 50 Mk.II compression driver:



Some serious 10CX crossovery from Michael Chua here with the Selenium D220Ti compression driver:

Osprey-II Revisited (Eminence 10CX with Selenium D220ti) – AmpsLab

Looks good, and addresses some 2.5kHz breakup issues with the 10CX. The box is a moveable feast IMO. Wayne might prefer something simpler for us hobbyists. But you can always fiddle with crossovers later, having done all the woodwork.