SSLV1.1 builds & fairy tales

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am sticking with the Silimic IIs for Vref. I am using Mundorf MKP (4.7uF) for the Zobel cap.
I have not done any listening with these, as I will need to do some re-drilling of my chassis, and a little other re-wiring (and probably a new difgital side transformer, as I need 2 x 9 Vac out for DAC and USB interface power). So it will be a little while before I do any listening. I have just been fine tuning for voltage and current. As the B-II is a popular devise, I just wanted to give people some starting points in values.

Agreed, thanks for sharing.
I will try to get an entry into my blog with some numbers for the Buffalo's. There quite a few people buying these for them.
If other popular projects or voltages come up, feel free to give me the LED, and R value details. :)
They will ask me or Salas, and Salas will tell them to break out the calc ;)
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Selectronic is very lousy in replying emails from my experience (2-3 days delay). But shipping good and fast. Maybe a bit pricey for my country (20eur.)

That's why I've turned to these guys hifispot168 | eBay. Nothing to complain and it came faster then expected.

Thanks for the link unfortunately they no longer seem to be in business!
Selectronique I have emailed twice in the past month in both English and French but they still not replied. Guess I could try phoning.
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Joined 2006
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For illustration purposes, does the dummy load look like this, where the chunky white yageo resistors are, with jumpers ?

If so its possible something else there may be toasted. Check voltages on BC560 and 2SKs'.


  • 15vdualrail.jpg
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Joined 2009
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With first +- regs I reached +-24Vout very easily but the second +- regs the posistive rail I get max +24Vout with trimmer at each max position & after warm up, negative rail only I get max -23.6Vout with trimmer at max. position, I'm using in all regs:

Tx 24VAC - 0 - 24VAC 120VA so 60Va per winding
PSU 10.000uF 63VDC Jensen 4 pole caps
Vin at the reg -33,7VDC
Load 1K 5W
R1 3R9 1.5V across (384mA)
I used two differents Tx with the same results:mad:

I don't understand the reason because first +- reg was operating OK without any problem at first attempt:confused:


  • DSC00051.jpg
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Joined 2006
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With first +- regs I reached +-24Vout very easily but the second +- regs the posistive rail I get max +24Vout with trimmer at each max position & after warm up, negative rail only I get max -23.6Vout with trimmer at max. position, I'm using in all regs:

Tx 24VAC - 0 - 24VAC 120VA so 60Va per winding
PSU 10.000uF 63VDC Jensen 4 pole caps
Vin at the reg -33,7VDC
Load 1K 5W
R1 3R9 1.5V across (384mA)
I used two differents Tx with the same results:mad:

I don't understand the reason because first +- reg was operating OK without any problem at first attempt:confused:

Add a resistor into diode position, or swap out the R203 for something larger.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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The guide writes 1K8 resistor also. Is that resistor 1K8? Anyway, add 1K instead of the Zener jumper, should give you enough conversion to reach 24V with ease.

P.S. I see you edited. The examples in the guides state they assume a certain in circuit IDSS. If a FET chances a bit weaker or stronger it takes compensation in the values.