SSLV1.1 builds & fairy tales

Ok, I could use some help mates. Here's my build:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

This is built for 18V, component needs 100ma, built for 250ma.

IRF built, HEXFRED 600V 8A diodes, a 1K 5W dummy load, a 10Ohm Zobel, an 1.8K R303, a 5K trimmer with the zener jumped. I'm using a 50VA 12V Amveco wired in series (24v). Also, 10000uf, 63v Nichicon KG and 10UF 100v caps.

When I power it up, the diodes and the Nichicon get very hot very quick. When I read the AC in, it's about 13v (~27v with no load). Thoughts?
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Thanks for the tip. Nothing like toasting $10 :)

Its the time to resource the special brand cap that is the party killer mainly, but anyway its much better it did not get enough energy to explode. 10mF makes a big bang and a great mess, its dangerous also if near. Even small ones are messy.

Yes you can skip the sensing if you will stay short to the load.
Its the time to resource the special brand cap that is the party killer mainly, but anyway its much better it did not get enough energy to explode. 10mF makes a big bang and a great mess, its dangerous also if near. Even small ones are messy. Capacitor explosion from excessive voltage - YouTube

Yes you can skip the sensing if you will stay short to the load.

Cool! I used to blow caps like fireworks in my elementary school days using a battery. :p

But it was not so cool when I accidentally put a an ux-4 tube wrong in the socket, blowing filament caps, the complete amp was wrecked inside..............
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Yes you can skip the sensing if you will stay short to the load.
For the feeble minded, "short" would be a maximum of what length, 5cm, 10cm? 1/2 ft?

Another question I've been meaning to ask, there's no issues with the sensing and powering more than one device from a reg? Just run pairs of twisted wires to each device? Or it's better to keep a reg per device?

diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
For the feeble minded, "short" would be a maximum of what length, 5cm, 10cm? 1/2 ft?

Another question I've been meaning to ask, there's no issues with the sensing and powering more than one device from a reg? Just run pairs of twisted wires to each device? Or it's better to keep a reg per device?



You got to have some sort of star or buss bar between parallel loads and sense there. Better one 2 one. Try without sense and compare if in doubt for parallel loads weird arrangements. Senseless:))) might be better than wrong. Sense outs still should be closing with respective force outs at the reg connector with short jumpers nonetheless.
So I fixed my wrongly oriented cap, and I've been able to bring up and adjust my 18v+/-, and my 8v+ regs. They run stable with a 1K 5W dummy. So here's where my understanding get's hazy. I've reread the guide and worked through this thread. Anyway, when I hook up these regs to my components (to keep it simple, I'll just talk about the single 8V+ reg hooked up to the DAC, which draw's 100ma).

When I hook it up, my red shunt led's don't light up, and the DAC isn't powered. Transfo is 15v 50VA, R1 is 10R. At first, I thought either the load wasn't enough, or it was too much. But with my current config, it'll handle up to 250ma consumption - well over the draw. Thoughts?