SSLV1.1 builds & fairy tales

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Final configuration is together and has been playing for a few days now. Dual 40VA R-Cores (Legato rail BiB was a bit starved for DC-in before, measured and found only ~4V headroom), Trident local regs on the Buffalo. Very pleased, a big step up from where I was. Best sound I've achieved yet. Explosive transients, more depth, detail, and air. A layer of grunge and haze has been removed I didn't realize was there. More immediate and transparent, but yet more relaxed and less fatiguing at the same time, if that makes any sense. No digital nastiness at all. Maintains all this even with complex material. Now, you can't feed this thing junk source material and expect magic, but that goes without saying... Time to box this up but need to let finances recover a bit. I don't own a quality camera but I'll try to figure something out. :cool:
Joined 2006
Paid Member

I wasn't certain about the fit of this cap, so I ordered one.

Here is the fit on the board, quite good.

Panasonic ECQ-E1106JF, 10uf Polyster film cap, 5%.


  • 10ufpanasonic.jpg
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I got my 1.1 Regulator working today for my lightspeed. I measured 2.1 volts across R101 with a 15 ohm resistor. For the voltage reference area, I used a 100ohm resistor in R103 and 500R trimmer which allowed me to get 5 volts exactly. The soundstage seems more 3D now then it did before. It is a noticeable improvement.

I am going to work on my 1.1 regulator for the Salas NJFET RIAA tomorrow that I am starting to build.

Thanks Salas
