Stereolith Loudspeakers Question

rather bored :yawn:

so where are those revelations? :yawn: :sleep:

Revelations like this one:

but first it would be really great if it was actually operating (as advertised) at all!

because it is possible that our experiments are indeed different and original Stereolith is just a great inspiration but as such it is piece of junk...

The same guy said this:

it is very very sad because true Blumlein stereo recording + Stereolith principle is real audiophile paradise

markus, for me it's not nervous but excited : till now all that's around this design is audio-phools poetic reports. Not your kind.

you are now a master piece on the chess board (the fool ?) because as have noticed some fine spirits ,:D, your mind has been forged in the DIY/CD clan and I believe your judgement is trustworthy.

but an cool...:rolleyes:
funny, that is indeed my impression sometimes, I post and You don't read or so it seems at least... :rolleyes:

I do read but I don't comment everything that is said especially when it doesn't make any sense to me.

knock knock! are You there Markus?

All the time.

how's Stereosphere™ and the audition of Stereolith? :D

Switzerland is small but there are a lot of mountains so I expect the Stereolith to arrive next week.

Honeycomb got wings:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Switzerland is small but there are a lot of mountains so I expect the Stereolith to arrive next week.

mountains? MOUNTAINS? :rofl: must be something seriously wrong with Swiss post... "For the most discerning customers in the world" :p

Honeycomb got wings:

wow Markus! there is truly spirit of adventure™ in You!

Empire Strikes Back! code name "TIE fighter" :D

may the force be with You Darth Markus! ;)


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