Summer Project - Replication of MBL loudspeaker 101mkII

The air leak will be simple, the mechanical vibration could be a much greater concern and problem to solve. Do you have any idea what is making the noise, is it from the lamellas themselves or some other source? I'm still not a fan of the epoxy resin carbon fiber combination but we will see. A few air entrapments in the laminate would be all it takes to cause a problem with an internal noise in the lamella.

And degassing + vacuum infusion should prevent that from happening :)

Gubrin I am sure it would A diy degassing chamber isnt too difficult it would probably cost around 120$ for both and a little learning curve. Steve my laminates aren't too bad. The air leak is pretty simple the mechanical vibrations is actually just a lamella hitting a support rod on large excursions For some reason the rod sits closer than all the others it may not be plumb. I am open to any ideas. Degassing and infusion is a good one.
I thought you were already using a vacuum bag when you were making the lamellas? Even with a bell jar and a vacuum depending on the weave it isn't always as easy to remove all air inclusions as it may appear. I can send you an article I was just reading about some of the issues even with VARTM. Unless you have a cat scanner it isn't all that easy to actually see some trapped gases. Your two layers is about as easy as it can get. I've had to work with some really thick laminates with internal bladders and and 30' long section rotor blades for what was supposed to be a new blade for new Presidential helicopter rotor blades. We had to run every single one through a cat scanner.
Took the time to play with my creation seems I was right. The thing is absolutely clean I adjusted the support rod and their is nothing no noise just music. I really only have to put the stand back together and purchase a new microphone to make an update worthwhile. New images will be taken.
how do you guys feel about this construction quality?


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...and as for success following a little 'playing around'...EXCELLENT! Good for you, David. That a careful 'tweek' or two makes all your work and commitment jell is, as is said, Priceless... ;)

Enjoy...and contemplate where to go next... *S*

(...and BTB, it still looks first rate...)

The v3.5's are up...more elsewhere...
Yes I am on the step of contemplating what I am going to do next. I still want to perfect the mid-range. As far as construction process there is very little I can do. My process so far is very accurate and repeatable but there are some that simply take time. The lamellas for instance take upwards of 1-2 weeks of time to finish from layup to .03mm accuracy. There are 3 main categories I wish to experiment with. Structural and sound directivity, materials, and proper enclosure volume.
On the subject of proceeding. I will need to do a lot of measurements something which I am not very good at. Can someone mentor me on the process of doing really good and accurate measurements? If you can email every now and then and walk along that would be great just PM me if you are able to.
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No reason to've already demonstrated a great deal of patience, there's no rationale to push harder. Haste=waste, and this is supposed to be fun, right? ;)

As for measurements and accuracy, I'm not sure what you've in mind to quantify nor the complexity of same. Perhaps....machinist's web forums might be a place to visit with a query or 3....there may be a group that knows how to approach what you've got in mind, and how to go about it. What I've been doing is laughingly crude compared to what you're into; you're into thousandths, whereas I'm occasionally dealing with 32nds.
I'm saving 'inching' (yes, pun intended) into that realm when I've got something worth 'tightening up' the dimensions on....

Does that help? Please lie and say yes...*S*
Just get yourself the best sound card you can afford and use open source software for the testing. Use a 1/4" mic, nothing bigger as the mic body will affect the response curves. You'll need a mic stand and a mic preamp to go with the mic. I've told you before I have the Earthworks mic and preamp. The mic is fairly cheap but the preamp isn't. There is plenty of information on this site about software and people who can help in how to set it up and use it.

I'm starting to go gangbusters on my own designs and have two others who are now going to help on the electronics side and a speaker guru I have befriended that is getting into the really important design aspects that only come with years of R&D testing experience. He's retired but designed some of the best speakers that have ever come out of Europe.

I still hope you do some of the things we talked about with the lamellas, I know they will take you to the next level.
Jerry I meant audio measurements sorry for the confusion. Mechanical measurements are irrelevant now. Thanks Steve didnt think about that. I have a mic stand a speaker stand ad hoc for testing and a bunch of software. I do not have a third party sound card but my current computer is a nice machine with new hardware is that good enough? Yes Steve everything in time and money lord knows I have limited of both resources. I am writing a plan of action we have spoken much on this topic. All that said pumping a little more time and money is needed before I forget of this project.
If you have one of the newer sound cards with decent speed you should be fine with that for basic measurements. You can download the software for free. I understand about the money to keep moving forward. I'm definitely going to do an Indiegogo program to pay for all of this. I just finally teamed up with people who know so much more than I do, it will make the final push possible without me having to put in a few more years to learn all the electronics side of things. I understand enough to know what is going on and what is needed but not enough to implement it myself. We all have our own specialties, I have mine in manufacturing and design, I understand the mechanical side of the equation, probably beyond more than a handful of people. But you can never know everything at that level, others will always have specific skills that you need to tap into. You've gotten a long way for doing this on your own. I'll still help you wherever I can. I think I have already given you enough ideas to keep you busy for a good time. Have fun in school, you have a great mind.
Finalizing every facet of the MBL mid-range mt50. Almost every part has been sourced. I have ordered material enough for two units now. Completion of MBL clone is coming. MBL perfected speaker is on the side lines now. I will still experiment but the "radical" ideas are on hold until I am done.