Sure Electronics New Tripath Board tc2000+tp2050

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I remounted the fan with some elastic material between it and the housing. The noise went down a lot, but still it's loud. My old sure PS (which was MeanWeil) and amp did not have the fan come on until the temp hit a certain limit. I'd like to do the again, as I have the amp near a chair and you hear the fans when no music is playing. Any ideas how to have the circuit kick in when the temp hits say 100F?

I know what you mean as I never seem the fan on with my MW power supplies.

You can get two of that passive heatsink or a temperature active fan like this one
The links do not work. I do not know if my old MW ever come on. I might try running this without any fan, and see if the temp overload kicks in. The PS sits in a well ventilated space with the sure amp pushing minimal air via its fan. Then, if its cutting out I could add a temp active fan (ill google those and find one, I'm sure. ). Thanks for the help.
Joined 2011
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Ok, I am going to ressurect this thread....

What I have done with this board ( Ver. AB32186V220 ) :

Awesome, but I have some questions.

1- Replaced all electrolytic capacitors with panasonic FM and FC.

OK. Makes sense.

2- Replaced inputs caps with 2.2uF mundorf ( keep legs short ) .

Yes, still with you.

3- Added 550uF electrolytic to the tc2000 .

OK, I'm lost. Can you please state specifically what you did, and/or show a pic?

4- Added a separated board for the output filter;
- Low pass Rifa PHE 426 ( I love these caps ) .47uF and baked air cored Litz inductors of 10uH ( Will replace inductors with wurth 7447709100 ) .
- High pass Rifa 0.56uF and MOX 4.7 Ohms 4W .

Perhaps this would be best for me to do later :)

5- These new boards even have the pads for the snubber caps and resistors, Go for 300/330pF and for the resistor go for 20 Ohms 1/4W

Again, if you could provide precise instructions and/or pics, please?

6- Inverted the fan for better air flow.

7- provided a case, alps pot and all the wiring was done in Litz because I had these around and someone said that I could avoid proximity effects by using it.

Nice job!
I have a muse dt-50 2x50W amplifier that uses the chip TC2000 + TP2050, and one of the two channels fail, only sounds clicking the other works with normally. Would they tell me why this happen? the board is this:
60RFNDXzk3NzI @. jpg

the board has a pin ISP +5 v GND RXD TXD, someone has to configuration parameters?

Thank you very much!
Getting high pitch tone!

I have a Sure model AA-AB32186 board, and while desoldering the input caps,
I accidentally knocked out R1 and R2 (22k). I intended to replace input SMT electrolytics with regular film caps.

These R1 /R2 resistors go from input to ground and appear to set the input impedance of the amp.

Measuring across each RCA jack then, I got about 75k ohms on my ohmmeter.

I hooked up a speaker to the outputs (no input) and the green light came on (good), but when I put a 22k ohm(1/8 watt) resistor across the input to ground (with or without input connected) I get a high pitch tone (oscillation?), and the green light doesn't come on.

I need a schematic for the input circuit of the AA-AB32186, to determine if the 22k shunt resistors go before or after the input caps (can't tell from the pcb traces).

Thanks in advance!

Input impedance for coupling cap calculation?

As mentioned above, on my Sure model AA-AB32186 board, I noticed that the input coupling cap is in series with the input after the 22k shunt resistor[first image]. The resistance from shown test point to ground is 76k ohms.

BTW, I've replaced the damaged 22k shunt resistor with an 18k 1/8w 1%metal film resistor, since it was the nearest value small resistor I had on hand).

In most input circuits the shunt resistor is after the series cap, making input filter frequency calculation easy[second image].

How does one determine the low frequency cutoff in the first case(i.e. using the 76k or the 22k as the input impedance)?



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Sure STA508 - midrange issue


I'm new to this forum and don't know if I should post here or start a new thread about this. I have built an amplifier consisting of a Sure STA508 amplifier board and a Delta 24V/150W switch mode power supply. I'm very happy with the result, except a strange issue in the midrange. A very narrow frequency in the midrange, I guess somewhere around 1k, is boosted and sometimes sounds distorted. It's not very audible unless a tone hit that specific frequency, typically vocals, electric guitar etc. Have any of you experienced this issue and have an idea how to solve this?

Thanks for any help!

I have studied the frequency response and pulse response using a dummy load (pure resistive), signal generator and oscilloscope but have not noticed any issues (except the modulation frequency present at the output).
Joined 2011
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Hello osflaa,

I have not noticed this issue at all. I use the same Sure board, powered by an Omron 24v SMPS. The only modification I have made is to remove the input capacitors and replace with Russian K73-16 caps (however I did not notice any issues with the stock caps in place, either).
Hello osflaa,

I have not noticed this issue at all. I use the same Sure board, powered by an Omron 24v SMPS. The only modification I have made is to remove the input capacitors and replace with Russian K73-16 caps (however I did not notice any issues with the stock caps in place, either).

Thanks for your reply!
I try to eliminate other potential sources to the problem and it can be something wrong with my TV-decoder/DA-converter because I have noticed the issue when watching TV. But I find it very strange that this should occur at the same time as when I started using the amp. Anyway, I have connected a CD-player (yes, I still use it :eek:) directly to the amp now and will listen to several albums.
Solved can be something wrong with my.. DAC...

The distortion disappeared after rebooting the DAC, so it must have been some kind of sync-issues. Weird :confused: The amp has a relatively dominating midrange, but was not the source of the distortion.

(BTW: I should edited my previous post instead of writing a new, but it seems that this feature is removed while my forum activity is under censorship :))
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