TABAQ TL for Tangband

After building a 3 inch Tabaq with very satisfying results,
I´m planning a Tabaq Large with W5-2106 that has a somewhat lower Sd
88 vs 94 for the W5-1611. Am I on right track if I lower the internal area
to the 2106s Sd? The port seems to become a little smaller as well.
I guess the length of the pipe remains the same.
Is the port length still 12,7cm?


On vacation without my computer at hand to sim, but I'd say keep it as the design for TABAQ Large. should be fine.
Hi folks! I’m very new here and only just started to look into DIY audio with a Bottlehead S.E.X. kit. I can across the Tabaq design on reddit and it’s really caught my attention - I’d love to build a set for beside my desk to pair with my new amp!

I’ve been reading as much as I can, including the original PDF, but there’s a LOT of info here. I have a bunch of questions and I hope that’s ok!

-I understand at some point the original design was modified, and people use less filler now. 70g seems to be the consensus?

-Were there any major alterations to the cabinet design? I love the size of the original - should I stick with that or have a look at some modifications? Is there a consensus on material (plywood vs MDF)?

-I will need a reasonably sensitive driver - I was looking at the FaitalPro 4FE35, as I think 91db will be fine with my 2w SET amp. I know a lot of testing and modeling has been done on this but it’s hard to find/sort - Are there other/better options?

Thanks so much for helping a rank amateur out!
For the 4FE35, use the original design, the first one posted.

I hate mdf... Plus, it doesn't handle a lot of humidity, which is the place I currently reside. Canada is drier, for sure.

And , if you get tired, plywood looks alright, but unfinished mdf is horrible.

Good to know, thank you! I’ve been reading even more of this massive thread, and I might err on the side of the 3FE22 instead... we shall see!
docbak plywood is the best, if you find a good quality one with very nice lamination you actually just need to sand it and finish with polyurethane, very easy, if you can have the Faital Pro 4FE32 is a little bit better, sensibility wise are the same 91dB, I am using too a tube amplifier 3.7w and they are absolutely welcome to the Tabaq club....:cheers:
docbak plywood is the best, if you find a good quality one with very nice lamination you actually just need to sand it and finish with polyurethane, very easy, if you can have the Faital Pro 4FE32 is a little bit better, sensibility wise are the same 91dB, I am using too a tube amplifier 3.7w and they are absolutely welcome to the Tabaq club....:cheers:

Thanks for the info! I’ll spec out some good plywood then, and look for the 4FE32. Are you running the filters in yours?
Also - I’m not much of a woodworker (though fortunately I know people who are). How do you hide fastener marks on the panels, or are you JUST gluing them?
1- depending on your taste, and speaker placement in the room, you may or may not need a BSC filter. That will be up to you.

2- you can just glue the panels together. Here's a good tip, since TLs are very sensitive to any pin hole with air leaking.
Coat the corners with silicone sealant. That way, you will ensure it is air tight.
docbak in my case I did not like the filter so I take it off but of course is just a matter of taste, I have a good EQ so I can manage frequencies, for the driver fixing I used a plastic ring, I put the picture more easy to understand....all the best


  • FaitalPro Tabaq4.jpg
    FaitalPro Tabaq4.jpg
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The 4fe32 will not overhang as you can see the front baffle from the Tabaq original design must be 10cm then depending from the thickness of your choice plywood could be 12,4cm or more so plenty of space for fit the driver....all the best


  • TABAQ original.pdf
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  • 294-1121-faitalpro-4fe32-8-tech-drawing.pdf
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Yes, thanks a lot! I went with the Faital Pro 4FE32s and they’re arriving this week.

There seems to be a lot of push for plywood here, but since MDF is probably denser and my climate isn’t particularly challenging, I may go that way and experiment with finishes, maybe a hardwood front panel.
I’ve read here that someone (maybe Bjorn) runs a BSC in a separate box from the speaker itself? I’d be interested in trying that in an open project box to see how it affects things. I assume it’s one box per side, or one large box with two separate BSC inside? Anyone have a simple wiring diagram?
If you just want to try a BSC with your speakers, you don't need a box.

If you plan to keep the BSC outside the enclosures, than whatever looks best for you. Screwed on the back of the enclosure, on the floor next to them, etc...

Myself, I put it on a thin plywood sheet, and glue it on the inside side wall next to driver, because I prefer the sound with the filter in my room.